Unwanted: One

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Carson Pov*

"HEY KID GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!" A sell person said.

I ran for my life as I took an apple with me that is in my mouth until I ran through a bunch of boys. Well aren't they rode blocks?

"YO MOVE IT KIDS!" I yelled

I pushed them away and oh by the way for a bunch of boys they scream like girls.


"AH!" One shriek as I push him

"WHAT THE HELL?!" One screamed out while stepping back a little

"Whats going on?!" The tiny one said

"Damn that girl run fast" The tall one with a deep voice said

"THANKS! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN MIKE!" I winked at the tall guy who complement me.

From a distance I can see that the tall guy was blushing and Mike catching his breath. I took a few second to catch my breath and started running again. I was getting close to the exit door but two people were blocking and it was officer Ben and Marilyn and by the way officer Marilyn is a guy not a girl if you guys are wondering.

"Hey peeps how ya doing?" I asked

"Carson what have we told you about taking food from the grocery store?" Officer Ben sighed

"Well sorry if I wanted an apple."I frowned

"But you got Mike to run and How about next time you pay the crasher then stealing it?" Marilyn asked

"Sorry no money" I smiled

"Marilyn go call her foster parents and the Jenny"

Crap. Calling Jenny isn't a good thing... Lets start from the beginning. Ever since my parents abandoning me I was put in a foster home but since I'm such a bad child I been put in over more then 5 Foster home a year. That's how I met Jenny she my foster agent, sometime I feel like she the only person that cares about me now a day. Sometimes. Not always. I was originally born in Canada but I've been put in an American foster home before. Right now I'm in Canada with another foster home that I've been put in a week ago and now I have a feeling I'm gonna be put in another one. Ever since my parents abandoning me I became emotionless nothing has an effect on me. I even been in juvie once but I got off the hook because of Jenny. When the door open I saw a pissed off Jenny.

"Carson! I was so close to getting you adopted but you just had to get in trouble! Lucky I found you another foster home!" Jenny yelled

"I don't care where is it this time?" I asked

"It's in Jersey. I'm sick and tired of your 'I don't care" attitude" she told me


"It's annoying!"


"STOP IT! Now let's go and pack your things and leave."

"Whatever" I said emotionless

We got into the car and drove to my ex foster home and pack my stuff and got out of Canada. Well I'm gonna miss that place even though I didn't actually made any friends unless you officer Mike, Marilyn, and Ben counts.

I took out my IPod and don't worry I paid for it, I put on my ear phones and listen to music. I like Hedley, Marianas Trench, Avril Lavgine, and etc. I hate Justin bieber and One direction! They're on the radio 24/7! It's annoying as hell!

"Ok now Carson. Their name are Wanda Fusco and Jared Fusco. (A/N I don't know Mikey's dad name) They have two kids name Micheal Eilo Fusco but Mikey for short and Nicolette Fusco they are good kids so don't corrupt them. They also dance and Mikey was on Tv before, oh here's a picture." Jenny explained

Ok the Mikey dude looks familiar but his sister doesn't ring a bell. The ride was long but we finally got there! I was so happy! Note the sarcasm. I saw a woman with blond hair and a man with brown hair and two kids standing beside them.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Fusco! This is Carson Vivien Foster she a bit of a hand full but she has a good heart." Jenny said

"Hello." I smiled

"Hello sweetie welcome to your new home!" She said

"Thank you." I simply said

"Mikey, Nicolettle help Carson with her bags" Mr.Fusco command

"Oh no! it's ok! I can carry it myself I don't actually have much" I objected

I took my suit case and my bag and nicolette looked shock of how much thing I packed. I just laughed at her face.

"Mom I'm gonna need to take carson shopping.." Nicolette said

"No it's ok." I told her

"I like her mom I know she wouldn't have clothes everywhere like someone over here" he rolled his eyes to his sister

"Shut up Mikey!" she shrieked

We walked inside and the house was huge! This is the first time I lived in a huge house like this! I think I'm gonna like this place.

Unwanted *A Vinny Castronovo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now