TGCF Extra - chapter 245

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Xie Lian suddenly recalled that they were still in middle of the main street of the Ghost City, and gave a startled, wary glance about. Indeed, at some unknown point in time, they had become surrounded by a huge crowd of misshapen and bizarre creatures [5], those with long ears extending their ears [6], those with with short ears stretching their necks, and seemingly all of them with eyes opened as wide as a copper bell, staring at them hard.

Xie Lian was so startled that, for a moment he did not know what to say. Finally, he exclaimed,

"San-lang ah!"

Hua Cheng gave a slight smile, and hid his hands behind his back as he said,

"Alright, alright. It's my fault, I'll stop talking."

Xie Lian had also already drawn back his gaze from the yuanxiao creature's stall by the side of the street.

On both sides of the Ghost City's main street hung a profusion of bright red lanterns, and the lanterns were covered with riddles. The crowd of ghosts clamoured,

"Guess a riddle! Guess a riddle! Guess correctly and you'll get a prize! Lots and lots of prizes!"

Hua Cheng said to Xie Lian, " Gege, give it a go? There are prizes."

Xie Lian walked up, saying, "Let me try?"

The crowd of ghosts grew excited, pushing at each other:

"Sh! Sh! Da bogong [7] is going to guess a riddle! Da bofu is going to guess a riddle!!!"


Faced with the overwhelming clamour of the crowd, almost as though they were expecting him to break into a dance, Xie Lian did not know whether to laugh or cry. Just as he was thinking of picking a riddle at random, a tentacle from goodness-knows-where anticipated him, passing him a lantern and saying,

"Please! Please!"

To Xie Lian, any of them would be the same. And so, he received the lantern, and gave it a look. There were four words on the side of the lantern with the riddle:

"Found a white head."

Xie Lian did not even need to think, saying:


Hua Cheng clapped his hands, praising, "Gege, you're amazing."

The surrounding crowd of ghosts clapped along thunderously with him, whooping and howling, and an indistinct, pitch-black shape
even did somersaults in the air as it cheered, which felt a bit much.

Xie Lian felt embarrassed, saying, "Actually, this...... was really simple ah."

The tentacle again passed him a second lantern, saying,

"Please! Please"

Xie Lian received the lantern, and this time, the riddle read: "One day in the Spring Festival."

Similarly, without even needing to think, Xie Lian spoke the answer,

"Husband." [9]

Hua Cheng raised his hands once again and applauded.

Xie Lian said, "No need. This was simple too."

Hua Cheng beamed at him, saying, "Really? But, I do sincerely think that gege is amazing."

Xie Lian remarked internally, "Nonsense, nonsense. If you personally came up with a riddle on the lantern, and I could solve that, now that would be amazing......"

At that moment, the tentacle yet again passed him a third lantern, singing,

"Please! Please!"

Xie Lian looked, and his brows crinkled slightly. The crowd exclaimed too,

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