Chapter 1: Good Days.

Start from the beginning

2 weeks didn't become 2 weeks, it ended up lasting for a month. So pretty much that. So now, Noella feels like she's now cursed just by being around her.

And it didn't help that the students seeing them are beginning to pull out their holy crosses. 

Oh well, at least she has a bully repellant for now. 

"What do you want?" She asked her, hoping that it's not going to bite her in the ass. 

And a part of her regretted even asking, all because An started chucking, and essentially looked over to where Zach is, giving him a cryptic smile before giving Noella a  glance. 

"Just wonderin' if you're fantasizing about the love of your dreams." She snickered. 

Noella just rolled her eyes and went back to looking at Zach, and her heart fluttered when she noticed him looking at her, or maybe in their general direction- she isn't sure, but it's great knowing that. His dark eyes gazing at where they are. 

Then he stops leaning and walks away. 

"No, come back.......!" She muttered quietly, even going as far to somewhat reach for him.

An just gave a mirthful chuckle and gave her strong, resounding pats on her back, knocking her out of her stupor as she grabbed her hand pulled her along to the growing line of students to get their meals.  

"You didn't have to grab my hand you know." Noella said, but the girl didn't listen as she just shoved a tray in her hands. 

"Yeah, and you're going to miss out on I don't know.... Eating?" An retorted smugly as she grabs her own. "And besides, it's better than standing there, awkwardly staring at him, hoping that he comes over and snatches you away."

"Oh shut up!" 

"Yet, you know I'm right." An just replied mirthfully. 

After the two girls got their food, they settled on the nearest table and sat down to continue their simple conversation, well, along with eating their meals of course. The idle chatter went on, simple girl things that they often gossip about. 

That is until a gaggle of harpies came in to ruin the fun. 

"Well, well, well." The lead girl began condescendingly. "Didn't think we'd run into you low lives."

'Great, it's Jocelyn....' Noella groaned inside her head. She took a brief glance at An, and was rather surprised that she only had a grin on her face.

"Why are you looking at her like that...?" She whispered to her in concern. 

"Yeah, why do you look at me like that?" The Queen Bitch said with a smug smile.

"You see, there's a reason why I look at you like this." An began, her smile shifting to a be a bit more deranged as she fiddles with her sleeves. "I don't fear you. Not one bit at all~." 

"Well, you should." Jocelyn snapped back. "Because I don't think you understand, my parents are the ones that provide the funds for this school. Teachers kiss my ass, and the very feet I walk on, because they know if I get a grade, my folks would close this place down, and they'd be out of a job." 

Jocelyn's friends start laughing, and snickering along the while, and the girl in question just looked at An, her ego as palpable as the air they breathe, expecting her to suddenly bow down and say sorry. 

Yet, she only laughed at them, mockingly. She even started slapping her thighs as she just keeps on laughing. After forcefully trying to get her to stop, she looks at her dead in the eye with the same smile she had.

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