Chapter 2

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"Hold on to something!"

Onyankopon quickly dived the flying boat to avoid the rocks heading towards them. Mikasa, Jean, and Levi managed to grab on to the walls, but Armin didn't get the chance. Armin flew backwards into Connie, both of them tumbling to the end of the flying boat.

"Connie! Armin!" Jean shouted, wanting to let go and help, but knew that would only send him flying too. "Just hang on!"

Jean let one of his hands free and shot a grapple to the end of the flying boat. Connie heard the hook land near him and saw the wire next to him, quickly taking hold of it. Connie grabbed Armin, allowing Armin to grab on too.

"Nice thinking, Jean." Connie yelled out, "You were almost successful impaling me in the head!"

Jean rolled his eyes, taking hold again of the wall, "Well it's a good thing you head is freakishly small then!"

"Compared to you, everyone has a small head, horse boy!" Connie laughed, leaving Jean to just scowl in disbelief.

"...We're going to die, aren't we?" Jean groaned aloud, trying not to focus on harsh banging from the rocks hitting the flying boat.

Onyankopon still had the flying boat in a dive, trying to hug the side of the founding Titan, "I can't keep heading towards front with these rocks flying toward us! If you want to stop Eren, you need to go now!"

Levi and Mikasa quickly dashed to the doors on each side of the flying boat, opening each side.

Levi readied his ODM gear, turning to face everyone, "Use the titans bones to get to the front. We'll have to deal with Reiner first before we get to Zeke. Everyone grab as many thunder spears as you can and get ready to jump! And make sure not to die!" Levi leaped out of the flying boat, disappearing into the mist.

Mikasa grabbed as many thunder spears as she could, seemingly not bothered by the flying boat tossing them around. She gripped onto the edge, ready to grapple on the Eren's Titan.

"Wait!" Jean called out, stumbling his way over to the door next to Mikasa, "I know you've been asked this a million times already...but after we deal with Reiner and Zeke, what will you do when you see Eren? Can you kill him?"

Mikasa was frozen in her stance, obviously not wanting to answer the question. Mikasa looked out at the Titan in front of her, then down where all the Colossians titans were. She jumped and grappled out of the flying boat without a word.

Connie sprung himself over to Jean, looking down at the turns below them, "Even after all this...after what happened to Sasha...I still don't know if I could kill him. He's still our friend. At least, I want to believe that."

"Eren's a murderer. But so are we now." Jean sighed, looking at blade in his hand. "We killed our friends, our comrades. All because we believed in what we were fighting for. But if we save at least some of the world...will the world still hate us?"

Connie put his hand on Jean's shoulder, "I guess we won't know unless we try. Like Reiner said..." Connie looked out, hearing a titan roar in the distance, "We better help out our friends."

Armin smiled at the conversation Jean and Connie were having. He missed the talks he had with Eren about doing missions and achieving something they always dreamed of. Or hoping together that it would all be worth it in the end. Armin walked his way behind the guys.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up." Armin ordered, nodding his head to them.

Jean and Connie nodded back, "yes, sir."

The duo leapt from the flying boat and headed to hopefully their last battle. Armin made his way to the cockpit, putting his hand on the empty seat.

"Fly somewhere safe, Onyankopon. We can manage from here...thank you, for everything." Armin saluted to him, smiling as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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