Chapter 1

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It was just another regular day in Monstadt. Albedo was working alone on the lab at the building of the Knights of Favonius. He had left Dragonspine to help Sucrose with one of her projects. When suddenly, he heard the lab's door open.

-Hello Albedo, how is the Chief alchemist doing?

It was no surprise to Albedo. Kaeya was always coming by to visit him on his breaks. He ones came all the way to Dragonspine only to stay for 20 minutes. To be honest, Albedo had no idea why he does this.

-Kaeya, Hello to you too. I am working at the moment.

-I see you must be working on something impressive yet again. Don't mind me. I just thought that spending my break here was a nice idea, so I'll keep you company for a while. Do you have anything to drink?

-There is some fruit juice on the table. Suit yourself.

Alberto had somewhat gotten used to it by now.

-Great. Did you know? Klee got grounded again. Apparently one of her bombs exploded and it made a small crack on the building walls. Jean was really mad.

Kaeya said as he poured himself a glass of what he assumed was fruit juice.

-I see... Well, she should have been more careful.

-She is just a child, after all. By the way, the juice has very unique taste. Would you care to tell me what it is?

-Oh, it's just sunsettias and apples, nothing special.

-Doesn't taste like just sunsettias and apples to me. It's more of a bitter-sweet flavor.

-Well, that shouldn't be right.
Albedo turned around to see what it was that Kaeya was drinking.

-Kaeya..., did you drink this...!?

Albedo pointed at the half empty bottle that Kaeya was holding.

-I did drink it. Why? Is there something wrong?

-Well, that was one of Sucrose's experiments. I believe she said it was a love poison. Are you feeling alright? Do you notice any changes?

-... No, I'm feeling quite alright. But do tell me this love poison you said, how exactly does it work?

-The one to consume the poison is supposed to instantly fall in love with the first person they see. Considering the amount you took you should be madly in love with me at the moment.

Albedo seemed worried and a little confused as he was trying to explain to Kaeya what it is that he just drank.

-...I see... Well, I suppose Sucrose did something wrong with the formula then.

-Hm, perhaps...

-I should get going now. Keep up the good work.

Kaeya left the room. He seemed to be in a hurry. Albedo stood there for a while looking at the cup.


( i know its a little small but i hope you like it. Love you all, my little readers.😘)

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