The Trial

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This is an original poem of mine
The Trial
This is our beginning, this is where we start.
Our hearts came from one, our hearts beat the same beat.
This is us, we are one.
The open road is our home, the sky is our ceiling, the ground is our bed.
The road beckons to us, is calling to us, welcoming us home.
This is our middle, so far from home.
The road still calls to us, whispering "follow me, I can show you the way."
We still follow the road, hoping it will show us where to go.
The road will call us until our last breath, "follow me, I can show you the way."
Where our ancestors began, we ended, taking our final breaths.
We ended our journey on the road, learning what we could, forgetting what it felt like to be lost.
Finally feeling at home.

~I feel like this is a poem about traveling, for travelers. It talks about the road calling to you, the road calls to me, whispering, "follow me," and I will. I plan to take my final breaths somewhere new, I'm a traveler. I need this. I'm not me without it.~

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