Chapter Two; WHAT IN THE WORLD?!

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Vaneesa woke up the next morning and got out of bed against her will. After she got dressed in her black leggings and purple, long- sleeved shirt, Vaneesa grabbed her new school bag and left her dorm. Vaneesa made her way to the cafeteria and made her a plate of eggs, bacon, and a biscuit. Vaneesa took her plate and sat at a table in the back of the cafeteria. Vaneesa waved her hand around mindlessly, creating glowing sparkles in the form of seashells. Vaneesa was so distracted that she didn't hear nor notice Rhea sitting down Infront of her.

"Wow, that's really cool! This is all I can do" Rhea chimed as she waved her hand and created a small flame.

"Thats cool too." Vaneesa said, trying to cheer Rhea up.

"Yeah, but I'm sure you can do a lot more than I can, you are a witch after all,"

"I guess your right there," Vaneesa said before stuffing her mouth with eggs. Rhea and Vaneesa ate in silence before Titus and Melody joined them.

"Hey Vaneesa, and..." Titus trailed off looking at Rhea.

"Rhea, and your Titus and Melody," Rhea smiled shaking hands with Titus. Titus and Melody sat down, Melody sat next to Rhea and Titus sat next to Vaneesa. The group ate and made small talk before they had to go to their next class's, still talking.

"No way! You actually ran away? My mom would kill me if I did that!" Rhea said, shocked from Melody's story. Vaneesa and Titus laughed at the two when someone tripped Vaneesa causing her to fall into Titus.

"Bela! What in the world?!" Bela was Vaneesa's cousin, Morgana's daughter, and twin sister to Azazel.

"Now, now Bela, let's be nice to our cousin," Azazel chimed in joining his sister in leaning or the wall next to the group.

"Now why would you do that?!" Vaneesa questioned her cousins, pulling away from Titus and facing the twins.

"What? We haven't seen you since we arrived at school, so we just wanted to say hi," Bela replied grinning mischievously," Oh, Azazel look! Its Melody! Nice to see you again dear,"

Vaneesa looked back at Melody who looked like she was about to attack the twins.

"Hey, calm down sis," Titus comforted. Melody took a few deep breaths, but her scowl didn't leave her face.

"Well cousin, we will see you in class." And with that the twins ran away on their eight tentacles.

"You good Melody?" Vaneesa asked her friend.

"Yeah, we just got bad blood with each other, but you know that already," Melody forced a laugh before she got the group to start moving again.

"Seriously, if you are bothered by them so much, I can send a letter to my mother, she will tie their tentacles in several knots," The whole group laughed at Vaneesa Commet as three of them arrived at Belle's classroom and Melody went to her class. Vaneesa and Rhea sat at their seats and Titus sat behind them with a boy Vaneesa now knew as Aladdin's son.

"Good morning class," Belle greeted as everyone took their seats, "First off, does everyone have their list of classes on them?"

Everyone raised a folded paper in the air, "Wonderful, now on to my lesson,"

Let's be honest, Vaneesa didn't pay much attention to Belle's lesson. For half of it Vaneesa was day dreaming with a star-struck look in her eyes while the other half was spent copying Rhea's notes in a hurry. When the three finally left they went to their next class; History of Magic taught by Megura, or Professor Meg. The three students entered the History of Magic class and were greeted by Meg.

"Listen up pupils! You will have assigned seats in orders of three," Vaneesa, Titus, and Rhea all looked at each other hopefully, "I will call your name and give you a table number so listen because I'm not saying them again!" Meg announced to the waiting students. Vaneesa got paired with Queen Anna's daughter and Peter Pan's son; Summer Arendelle and Oakeson Pan. Meg started to talk about the life of the kingdoms before Magic Academy, and- you know what, I will just do a time skip to a more interesting class.

Animal Care and Communication was taught by Snow White and Lady and her mate Tramp. The students were gathered around Snow White as she pulled a thorn out of Lady's pup Bella when all of a sudden, a Pegasus with skin the most gorgeous color of Lilac Vaneesa had ever seen crashed into the trees outside of the wall surrounding their outside class room.

"Oh my! Quickly, student follow me!" Snow White ordered, rushing to a secret door on the farthest wall, Vaneesa didn't know how she ran in that dress, sure it was smaller than the other professors, but it was still made for Glam instead of usefulness. Vaneesa, Rhea, and Titus quickly took the lead as they raced each other over the tall roots and low branches of the forest, laughing. The friends soon found the Pegasus lying on the ground in the hole of the canopy it made.

"Come on," Titus ran forward and started to push on Pegasus's side that was on the ground. Rhea and Vaneesa quickly joined him, but when Vaneesa touched the Pegasus, a little spark of energy could be felt in her finger tips and she stepped back.

"Ness? You, ok?" Titus asked her with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I just got shocked," Vaneesa dismissed getting ready to push on the Pegasus's side again, but this time when Vaneesa touched the Pegasus, an even larger shock threatened to make her arm numb. Vaneesa yelped in pain and backed away as Titus and Rhea struggled to help the Pegasus up. At some point, the rest of the class had joined the three and stood a good distance away from them.

"Ok, are you sure you're, ok? You sound really hurt," Rhea questioned looking straight In Vaneesa's stormy blue eyes.

"Yeah, I just got shocked a lot more than the first time." Vaneesa rubbed her wrist.

"Even worse? Like a lot more?" Titus asked, now he looked more excited than concerned.

"Yeah, why?" Vaneesa asked confusedly.

Titus gave Rhea a knowing look before he spoke, "Try touching his muzzle, if I'm right, something great is about to happen!" Titus now looked like an exited kid that just entered a candy store. Titus pushed Vaneesa towards the Pegasus's face. Vaneesa hesitantly placed a hand on the Pegasus's muzzle, the Pegasus pushed his face towards Vaneesa's face so that their faces were touching, and she look straight in the Pegasus's eyes. Vaneesa saw visions of her and this Pegasus flash Infront of her eyes and fell back into Rhea and Titus's waiting arms.

"Oh dear! This is so exiting!" Snow White excitedly said. The class erupted in exited cheers as Vaneesa looked at them confused.

"What just happened?"

"Oh dear," Snow White came to Vaneesa's side and made her look at the Pegasus, "You just found your best friend,"

Rhea crossed her arms over her chest and gave Snow White a dirty look.

"What she means is that you just bonded with this fine stallion Vaneesa," Titus explained.

"What does that mean?!" Vaneesa questioned frantically.

"It just means that you two have just created an unbreakable bond, you are now connected." Snow White tried to explain, only for Vaneesa to act like she understood to get the moment done and over with. Snow White took the Pegasus to the stables and the students went to their next class. Only after Vaneesa got a book on 'bonding', did Vaneesa go back to her room. Vaneesa got changed into her PJs and got in bed, reading a few chapters of the book before she fell into a dreamless sleep. 

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