Chapter Two

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" Don't let your guard down Yuira."  Juri Senju said. " We still have Danzo and Orochimaru are on the top of our lists in our respective bingo books."

" We need to get rid of Orochimaru's loyal ninja." Yuira Yamanaka said. " Then we focused on Orochimaru and Danzo. We must not let them rule by using darkness. It could cause more problematic within the Hidden Leaf Village."

." I think I know someone who can infiltrated Danzo Shimura's headquarters." Juri Senju said.

" I'll sent an assassin to get rid of Danzo and his men." Juri Senju said.

" You mean Kazuko Uchiha. The Sharingan of the Sound." Yuira Yamanaka said.

" She is also the survivor of the Uchiha Massacre." Juri Senju said. " Good thing she is working us as long as she is willing to seek vengeance against Danzo after she find out tjat he used Itachi to slaughtered his own clan."

" Kazuko, should you be able to infiltrate Danzo's headquarters?" Yuira Yamanaka asked.

" I'm deeply concerned about Danzo's organization." Kazuko Uchiha said. " His organization should be disbanded after he is the one who organized the Uchiha Massacre by sending Itachi to kill his own clan. Now Danzo's organization became an underground propaganda organization and that must be stopped because of the number of innocent children has been abducted for experiments. Orochimaru and Danzo are involved with these secretive kidnappings."

" Well then, you and Yuira take care of Orochimaru's loyalists." Juri Senju said. " I'm going after Orochimaru because he is after Sasuke Uchiha."

Kazuko deadpanned.

" That's one thing I really didn't like about that snake sannin." Kazuko Uchiha said.

Later, Juri Senju showed up in the fight  between Hiruzen and the reanimated First Hokage and Second Hokage.

" I came here to aid you Lord Third." Juri Senju said.

"Thank goodness you and your team managed to assassinate Kabuto." Hiruzen Sarutobi the Third Hokage said. " I'll handle Lord Second, you take care of Lord First. I suspected that you also the wood style user."

" Yes I am, Lord Third." Juri Senju said. " I will save the village that was founded by both the Senju Clan and the Uchiha Clan."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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