"Do you want some donuts, Amane?" His younger brother, Tsukasa asked with a big smile on his face, shaking the paper bag of donuts on his hands in front of Amane. He takes a plain donut from the bag and feeds it to Amane. "They're plain donuts, like your favorite!"

"Thanksh..." Amane chewed on the plain donuts with a nod. Y/n was the last person he saw after he got into a truck accident and it connected to his dreams during a coma, weaving to his wishes of being with her, even if it's just a dream—at least he got to experience how it's like to be with Y/n, right? His eyes downcast to his bandages and let out a sigh.

"Oh my, Amane seems troubled." His mother immediately red his expression. "Do you need something?"

"You want more donuts?" Tsukasa questioned.

Amane only shook his head and smiled apologetically, rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish manner. "It's nothing mom and Tsukasa, I was just thinking about how I'm going to continue on after this event..." He lied, he was thinking on how he'll able to get over his unrealistic interactions with Y/n.

Truth to be told, Y/n loves anything related to the supernatural, at least, that's what he heard when he managed to eavesdrop Aoi telling ghost stories to Y/n. A part of Amane wanted to be a supernatural that maybe Y/n would somehow be interested of him and look at his way—but that's only a stupid idea of his. "Amane, it seems that you have friends over." His mom opened the door to reveal Yamabuki and Fuji by the doorway.

"Hello Mrs. Yugi." Fuji smiled as he bowed to his mother. Yamabuki did the same since he didn't want to be seen as rude. Mrs. Yugi smiled and excused herself along with Tsukasa so that the three can talk to one another. Amane gave them a short wave, feeling relieved that his two friends were there. Akane will be visiting with Aoi by the following day.

"Yugi don't you ever do that again." Yamabuki scolded with small tears in his eyes. Fuji and Amane could only deadpan on how the yellow haired boy was being dramatic. "I'm glad you're awake, you have a lot of pending assignments—you can ask Fuji to copy." He suggested.

"You're just looking for an excuse to copy my works by dragging Yugi." Fuji smacks the back of Yamabuki's head with a stern look on his face which the latter glared in retaliation. "The teacher can understand your situation but I will try my best to teach you about the topics we tackled."

As much as Amane wanted to celebrate that he was exempted from all of the schoolworks due to his coma, he felt empty like there was a void unironically filling his chest. "Where's Y/n—I mean L/n-san?" He blurted out. Yamabuki looked at Fuji with a frown, then he looked at Amane once again.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know anyone named L/n." Yamabuki apologized while lowering his phone. "I don't think they exist." He added with sadness lacing on his tone of voice. Amane felt like the whole world dropped on top of him once the truth has been told. Fuji stared at Yamabuki in disbelief so he lightly knocked Yamabuki's head. 

"I'm kidding, we visited L/n recently, she's in this hospital." He stuck his tongue out to troll Amane.

"You caught me in the first half not gonna lie." Amane sighed in relief.

"Yamabuki you shouldn't troll him like that." Fuji is like your typical mom who keeps thing balance between both parties, sometimes he gets annoyed by Yamabuki's shenanigans especially when the yellow haired boy is always on his phone even in class.

"I also have another confession—I kind of told L/n that you had a crush on her..." Yamabuki admitted with a big smile on his face for spilling the tea to Y/n by accident, totally by accident, well Y/n overheard Fuji and Yamabuki gossiping about the guy who saved her and was crushing on her so she demanded to know who it is. Amane's eyes widened and blinked slowly to process on what he just said.

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