Contest Obligations

469 37 7

As these will elicit questions, we decided to answer the top questions you guys would most likely be asking.

What are the rankings?

There's the 1st ranking, the 2nd ranking, the 3rd ranking, and the Honorable Mentions.

How many Honorable Mentions will there be?

Only three, amigos and amigas. Only three.

What will the prizes be?

Ordinarily, we created this contest book for the purpose of bringing out the best in contestants. But seeing as we do need prizes, here are ours:

1st ranker - Vote in entry, 10 votes in a story the winner wishes to get, the adding of the entry in our Reading List, and personal praises from both twins.

2nd ranker - Vote in entry, 5 votes in a story the winner wishes to get, the adding of the entry in our Reading List, and an altogether praise from both admins.

3rd ranker - Vote in entry, 3 votes in a story the winner wishes to get, the adding of the entry in our Reading List.

Honorable Mentions - Vote in entry, adding of entry in Reading List.

Why not just follow the winner as a prize?

We've planned a lot of contests, so we're not fond of the idea of following 30 different users too much. Please do understand :)

Anymore questions? Just ask us!

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