6. an unbreakable vow

Start from the beginning

Why the fuck was she doing this again?

"Sounds good..." Draco wasn't looking at her, distracted by somebody behind her.

Rowan glanced over her shoulder, catching Draco shoot a Slytherin girl in the year below a wink. Rowan immediately felt a burst of anger, especially when she saw the way the girl giggled and blushed, glancing away as she moved further down the Slytherin table to find her friends.

Rowan glared and turned around, kicking Draco beneath the table. He sent her a furious glare.

"What the fuck, Yaxley?"

"Never mind," Rowan said, "I don't know if I trust you to actually patrol the school grounds rather than hooking up with some poor innocent girl."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Oh, you know me so bloody well, don't you, Yaxley?" He spat sarcastically. "That's me — fucking everything that moves left, right, and centre."

"It's not far off."

"So what if I enjoy sex?" Draco huffed, "Fucking sue me, Yaxley."

"It's okay to enjoy sex, or to have multiple partners — you just take the piss though, Malfoy," Rowan snapped, "I don't know how you don't understand by now — you lead girls on and you have no regard for the way they feel afterwards. You're horrible to women, you treat us like fucking objects. And you fucked over Theo."

"Oh, it's 'Theo' now?" Draco sneered, "Since when have you two been best friends?"

"Since he realised his last one was a backstabbing cunt."

"I'll never forget that you fucked over my friendship with Theo, Yaxley," Draco hissed, "Ever."

"You're crazy!" Rowan laughed, shaking her head. "Merlin, Malfoy. You're genuinely not all there!"

"What people don't know can't hurt them," Draco replied, "You're the one that told him - you hurt him."

She shook her head. "You're such a dick."

Rowan stood up, abandoning her jam crumpets and heading for the exit of the Great Hall. She was about to retreat back to the stairs that led down to the common room when Theo reached out and grabbed her wrist. Her mind instantly went back to last night.

"Thank you, Yaxley. Thank you so much," Theo said, "I promise I'll fulfil my side of the deal if you do your best to fulfil yours."

Rowan gave him a small nod, above to leave the large alcove that they were tucked away in when Pansy cleared her throat. Her arms were folded across her chest as she stared at Theo, doubt traced across her features.

"You're offering a lot, Nott," Pansy said, "How do we know the money side of it is legit? I mean, why would you offer Rowan half of your inheritance over a high school rivalry?"

Theo pursed his lips. "I could take twenty percent of my inheritance and be happy for the rest of my life, Parkinson. Yaxley can take half, she can fifteen, twenty, forty percent if that's all she ends up needing and wanting — the money doesn't matter to me."

"So your excuse is you're stinking rich and you won't even notice the money coming out of your vault?" Pansy scoffed, "Well, what about the Nott family name? What about all of the money your children and grandchildren will want to inherit?"

"I won't take fifty," Rowan said, "I don't need that much. I'll take enough to move out of my father's manor, and enough to survive until I'm high enough up in the Ministry."

Theo nodded. "If that's what you want, Yaxley, that's what you can have. I don't care about the Nott family name, Parkinson. It's just my father and I, and I suppose I don't have the best relationship with him. I watched my mother die when I was five — he didn't give a shit, even though it fucking destroyed me. If anything, this is all a rebellion against him too. I'm sick of him and I'm sick of Malfoy."

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