Chapter 18: Replaced?

Depuis le début

-loose wave curls
-blue crop top
-plaid black and white and blue flannel tied around the waist
-light denim coloured jeans
-blue toms

I might be a 'man slut' or cause Im over Taylor.. Im not.. Im trying to keep my mind off of him and I wanna see where me and Shawn go..

-winged eyeliner
-light coloured lipstick
-a little bit of blush.

It was now around 7:49pm , I was touching up my makeup and got a text from Justy.

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🔵 Jus❤️ 7:49pm >

Yo ale , wanna see the boy next door with me cam and tay
tonight? You can sit beside me .. You don't got to sit by Taylor


Justine's P.O.V

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🔵 Ale😎 7:55pm >

Im going with Shawn to see that.. Tell them no thanks and to
watch a different movie... I don't want Taylor to see me and I
honestly don't want to see him. I need to move on not keep
looking at my past... Sorry just hang with you tomorrow bae


Shit. Taylor was supposed to say something to Ale to try and change her mind... UGH Taylor why didn't you just stay by her side..

📱 Calling Taylor.... 📱

T: Hey whats up is ale up for it? I need to make it up to her ...

J: *sigh* shes not coming..

T: OH OH. I know how we can get to her I can do that cute thing holding the radio outside of her room and say all my feelings and how stupid I was

J: Taylor... Shes going with someone already..

Silence filled the phone.

T: *gulps* With a guy Im guessing?

Taylor's voice became tense

T: has she already moved on? I mean I understand that I made a mistake but shes over me? Thats it??? I'm all of a sudden just history??

A: tay there just friends..

T: you know what lets go see that freaking movie.

A: tay seriou-

📱Call Ended📱

Taylor's P.O.V

Im broken.. For good... There is no point in trying to fix me... Im stupid... One stupid person... I cant live with myself. "FUCK" he murmured in anger and then began to slowly sob and cry .

Shawn's P.O.V

📱Calling Alexandra...📱

A: helllooo

S: hiiii I'm outside of your house Ale

A: I'm cominggggggggg

📱Call Ended📱

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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