"The dragon queen has not opened her eyes in 10 days." They said once we went got inside the mountain.

"She's not.."

"Oh, no, she's not dead. She breathes and lives still, but she's not with us." They continued.

They introduced themselves as Ibis, mage of the Skywing elves. He explained that ever since losing her mate and egg, the dragon queen has fallen ill.

"Come, i will show you."

We walked through a hallway to get to the dragon but Zym slowly backed away, whimpering. He must be scared of his mother? Who knows.

Ez went to talk to the little dragon and hugged him. "You're not ready yet.. I understand, it's okay." He said to him.

"We'll go in first, i'll be back."

And with that, Bait was left to comfort Zym as we walked into the den.

Once we got in the cave, we saw Zym's mother lying in the middle. A decent amount of light seeped in through the top, shining down on the sleeping dragon. Her tail wrapped around a small nest, probably where Zym's egg was kept. She snored softly as we got closer.

Ez walked up to her, cautiously putting a hand on her snout.

"Wake up! Your baby's here! You have to wake up..." He said enthusiastically to the dragon. His smile dropped once she did not get up.

Rayla sighed and ran off towards the hallway. I moved my head towards her direction, ready to follow her but I was unsure if i should give her some time alone.

"Go, i'll talk with Ez." Callum said to me once he noticed me awkwardly standing near the hallway. I nodded and walked in Rayla's direction.


Her back was turned towards the cave and she seemed to be comforting a saddened Zym. I sat next to her, hoping my presence would be of some reassurance.

"This is when it happened, where my parents ran away. I can't stop thinking about that moment. How it led to.... all this.."

"Being here.. It hurts.." She continued.

I looked down and looked back at Rayla, I then put my hand near hers. We sat there for awhile, just holding hands.


Some commotion was heard outside and I heard yelling.

"Callum! Y/n! Rayla!" We need your help!" Ez yelled from outside.

Quickly we ran out of the mountain to see the dragon that we had freed that one time, with Ez on its back.

On the ground next to it, was Soren.

'Awh shit he's going to recognize me, i'm fucked.' I thought, standing behind Rayla.

"What's Soren doing here?" Callum asked.

"Stop asking questions, he needs help!" Ez said.

"Right! Breathing!" Callum said, casting the breathing spell he did the other day.

Waves that Paralyze Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora