Chapter 7- Intervention Time

Start from the beginning

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Asano asked. Karma looked at the blond guy with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

While listening to Karasuma-sensei's lecture on reflexes and stability, I got text. Discreetly, I checked my phone. "Right now, I'm having a nice talk with Karma Akabane. Care to join us?" Why is he here?! What does he want with Karma? Again, I rose my hand and said, "S-sorry Karasuma-sensei." I took a deep breath. "I don't feel well again." Everyone had sweat drops behind their heads. Karasuma-sensei held back his frustration and let me go. I gave an apologetic smile and rushed off.   

"It seems that Katsumi-san is skipping your class again, Karasuma-sensei," Koro-sensei commented. 

"Honestly. I wonder where she heads off to," Karasuma-sensei thought out loud. 

"Why don't we go and find out," Koro-sensei suggested. 

Karma and Asano stood face to face at the bottom of the mountain. I hid behind a tree, peering at them intently. I heard some ruffles hear and there and I thought it was just the wind. However, there were some silhouettes whispering out of the corner of my eye. Why is everyone else here?

"So, what exactly do you want?" Karma asked.  "Is there a special reason for you to come all the way up to Class E?" 

"I'm here to take Katsu back," Asano answered. 

"Heh~, what if Katsumi doesn't want to go back?" 

"That's not possible," Asano ascertained. "I understand her better than anyone. She's not the type to throw away the path that she has decided for some ephemeral warm memories." 

"Still~, I highly doubt that she would want to go back to your boring class," Karma said. 

"That is true," Asano agreed. "She does have that cocky side to her, where she looks down on everything because of her natural talent-." 

"She finds everything boring and freaks out when she can't watch something entertaining-," Karma mentioned. 

"It's really bothersome whenever she bluntly comments on every little thing to pick a fight-," Asano added. 

"I know right~. It's not like she could win anyway." Karma shrugged. I balled my hands into a fist and did everything I could from stepping out and wacking those two. Especially Karma! What does he mean by 'it's not like I could win anyway'?! Karma lowered his chin and gazed Asano with bloodlust seeping out. "Katsumi is not going to go back. I can guarantee it," he declared with confidence. How?!  

"Shall we make a bet?" Asano asked. I suddenly got a bad feeling. Whatever Asano is planning, don't let him do as he please! Refuse Karma!

"Okay~," he answered in a playful tone. Karma!!! "So? What are you proposing?" 

"The one who gets Katsumi to say, 'I love you' wins." Wah-! What?! No! 

"Alright," Karma accepted. Ah! I can't take this anymore! 

I stepped out, showing myself before them. They both stared at me amused. In that instant, I tried to grasp the situation. From what I see, Asano purposely called me down here because he knows I'm close with Karma. He also knows that I don't believe in love, which is exactly why he proposed such a thing. If I say that to Karma, it would make it look like I'm going against my beliefs. However, if I say that to him, then it would look like I'm making a choice. Karma... I don't know what he's thinking! But this bet does interest me. I don't know if they were serious or not, but maybe I can use this to my advantage.

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