Draco Malfoy love story

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Sometimes, they say opposites attract... Right? Well.. I'm a 5th year Gryffindor. My name Is (Y/N, L/N). And I'm kinda sorta in love with a Slytherin.. Okay ignore the kinda sorta. His names Draco Malfoy and he's a git. A BIG GIT. to everyone, but me? I never understood why. Right now I am waiting at the black lake for him.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry I was late, Crabbe and Goyle were up my arse." He ran over next to me. It was a beautiful night, I loved how the moon reflected off the lake, which looked like glass. "It's quite alright, Draco. Now, why'd you call me here?" I looked up to his tall figure. He stood 6 foot an d I was a lot shorter then him. His white hair covering his forehead and somehow no matter how dark it is, you could always see his beautiful blue eyes. "I.. Well..." he stuttered. "Well? Out with it!" I giggled. "I think I l-" "what are you two doing out here..." A voice asked. We turned around to be face to face with Snape. Shit. "30 points from Slytherin and Gryffindor and detention Thursday night in my office, both of you" We groaned at the same time, Snape grabbed onto the back of Draco's collar and dragged him inside.

*The next day*

I was in Potions, sitting next to Draco. Except I was gazing off, thinking about what Draco wanted to say last night. "Ms.(L/N), will you please pay attention." Snape snapped *lol* at me. I rolled my eyes. Draco passed me a note. 'Meet me outside the Great Hall during lunch'

I stood outside the Great Hall wondering what Draco has to say to me. "(Y/N)!" Draco yelled, by a column. I walked over to him. "What is it you need to tell me?"I asked leaning against the wall. "I'll make it quick so we aren't interrupted. Okay, I like you. No wait no. I love you. I've loved you since 3rd year. I had to tell you. I understand if yo..You don't feel the same way, okay I'm rambling, I'll stop talking." He looked away blushing. "Wait, you love me?" I asked shocked. "Don't rub it in." He muttered. I stepped closer and put my hand on his cheek and looked at him, he looked into my eyes and his cold eyes with hatred in them, softened. "I love you, too." He looked at me with wide eyes and smiled. "R-really?" I nodded, laughing. He embraced me and kissed me roughly. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he looked at me, smiling. "of course"

*7th year, during the battle*

I ran everywhere in the hallways after I discovered Fred's death, I kinda went mad and started killing every death eater I saw. I was looking for Draco now. And I saw everyone outside. "HARRY POTTER, IS DEAD!!!!!" Voldemort laughed. I ran too the front and screamed. "YOU BASTARD!!!!" Ron had to pull me back or I might've killed myself trying to curse Voldemort. "SILENCE YOU FOOL!!! OR YOU'LL JOIN HIM!... Now, either join me! Or face the consequences.!!" "Draco!" I heard a yell whisper from the other side. I look to my side to see Draco standing next to me. I grabbed his arm. *I'M GUNNA CHANGE THIS UP A BIT* "Draco, Come here." His mother said. I looked up to him. "Draco, don't."I begged. He looked down to me. "I have too..." He started to walk away. "Draco, I...I'm pregnant!"I sort of yelled, Everyone probably looked at me. Draco stopped and turned to me with tears in his eyes and shock all over his face. "You.. You're what?" "ENOUGH!!!!! Draco... If you want to live, I suggest you step forward" Voldemort said.

That's when Neville stepped forward. *And said his speech* After Neville was a brave little shit, then Harry fell from Hagrids arms and was alive. Damn, That kid can take anything. Draco ran to me and grabbed my arm, and we disapparated .

"DRACO, WHY'D YOU DO THAT? WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING! WE GOTTA GO BACK!" I screamed at him. "(Y/N), You're pregnant, I'm NOT letting you go back, I didn't even want you there in the first place!!!" He yelled back.

"(Y/N), Marry me" He said out of the blue. "What?" "Marry me, we can start a family and a new life and get away from here, together." He grabbed my hands. I started laughing, "Draco, we can't just leave! We have family and friends here. We can't just abandon them!" He pulls me into a hug. "I've... Already got a house for us"He mumbled. "Draco! You did not!!!" I laughed pulling away. "Waaannnnaaa see it?" "DRACO!!" I slapped him. "(Y/N), come on. Please." I rolled my eyes and we disapparated. http://tomgoldconstruction.com/graphics/HC_WC.jpg *it's called white cottage, but its up to you for you too decide what the house looks like* "Draco! I never knew you were the one to live in a cottage"I laughed. "it's beautiful"

11 Years passed and our son.. Michael was starting his first year of Hogwarts. *No Scorpius isn't around yet!* We were standing in Platform 9 and 3 quarters. "It seems just like yesterday when we first went to Hogwarts" I sighed, watching Michaels train leave. Draco looked at me. "It was my first real home." I added. He put an arm around me. "No matter how old we get.. Hogwarts will always be our home." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

Sooo... Was that okay? Please pllleease give me feedback!! So nervous about writing these!

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