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I got out of the hospital in four days.

While Changkyun was driving, I glanced at the rear view mirror and found him smirking.

"What are you thinking about right now?" I asked.

"Hm, nothing." He said and continued to drive.

"Are you sure?" I asked and put a hand on his shoulder.

He smiled.

In twenty minutes, we arrived at my apartment complex and I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Thanks, I'll see you on Monday." I said and got out of Changkyun's car.

"Well, can you give me a kiss bye at least?" He asked.

"Fine." I said and got into his car again.

I kissed his lips and he suddenly polled me in.

"Hm," he hummed, "ok, go inside."

I smiled and got into my apartment complex.

It was the weekend so I went to my apartment room and basically crashed on my bed.

"Oh my God, I haven't washed my face in four days." I muttered and sluggishly walked to my bathroom.

I actually took a shower and got ready for bed.

I was exhausted by now.

I had a dreamless sleep and when I woke up, it was eleven fortyAM.

I rubbed my face and got ready.

When I was done, I poored water for myself and ate eggs and honey.

"I wonder what Changkyun's morning routine is." I said and finished my breakfast.

I rinsed off my plate and wrote things for Changkyun.

Although I was in a relationship with him, he's still my boss.

That's kind of a weird concept.

I wrote the email and send it to him.

My day went take by quickly.

When I checked on the clock, it was six twenty PM.

I sighed and stud up from my chair.

I ate dinner and looked at my phone.

"No Plans."

"Thank God." I said and stud up from the chair.

I needed a spoon now.

I ate dinner quietly.

No music, no TV, nothing.

But tomorrow, I have to go to Changkyun's office.
I opened the door and stepped in his office the next day.

"Well, good morning Sohyun." He said.

"Hi Changkyun." I said and put my stuff in the cubby.

"Oh, leave that open." He said.

"Uh, why?" I asked.

"We're going to Seoul." He said.

"Kay," I sighed and stud up again, "is it a day trip or a couple of days?"

"Just a day trip." He said.

I nodded and stud up.

I walked to Changkyun's car and sat in the right side. Then he opened the car door and started his engine.

"So, what's the topic today?" I asked.

"Prices in Korea." He said.

"Like what?"

"Seoul. It's kind of expensive now. Like the housing prices are unbelievably high now." He said.


"Hm." He nodded and started to drive.

We drove in silence now.

Then Changkyun spoke again.

"Why did you get this job?" He asked.

I opened my mouth.

"Because I needed a job." I replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive."

"Even when you were reading the description?"

I put my hand on his right arm and smiled.

"Let's go to Seoul first." I said.


A/N: yay new story which is actually a sequel. let me know what you think of it and don't be afraid to ask me. :)

aNd sorry if you're colorblind.

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