Chapter One.

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"Good afternoon!" rang the speaker as the students of Hyosan High took to their after school cleaning. "The seemingly never-ending heat has finally died down. And the muggy, scorching weather has been replaced by a fresh, cool breeze."
Chun (Y/n) listened to the afternoon announcements drone on as she sprayed and wiped down a window. The topics of the day were always something (Y/n) enjoyed hearing about, for her newsfeed was often drowned with the latest politics.
"Today, our topic is a fascinating study from abroad. A psychologist in the US has conducted an experiment. He gathered forty-eight men and women who have never met. To one group, he gave a specific..."
(Y/n) grew annoyed over no longer being able to hear the announcements due to a particularly loud ring of laughter from her fellow students in the infirmary.

"Hey stranger," a male voice greeted. (Y/n)'s head shot in his direction and she smiled.

"Hi, Joon-woo," she greeted, discarding her task of cleaning in favour of leaving with her eldest brother.

"Hi, Prez!" a few voices said brightly. A few of the people in the infirmary high-fived Joon-woo and smiled politely at (Y/n) as the siblings made to leave.

"See you all tomorrow," said Joon-woo pleasantly.
Joon-woo was the nominated Student Council President and as such, he was quite popular amongst the students. He had (Y/n) become his secretary, thus giving her her own popularity (though she prefered the company of herself or her small circle). (Y/n) was never a people person. Not that she minded them, she just chose to avoid them, for they made her nervous. She always used her brothers or a friend as somewhat of a shield when it came to meeting new people or talking with people she saw more often than not that weren't necessarily her friends.
"Where's that idiot Seo-yun?" Joon-woo sighed as (Y/n) walked with him through the corridors, waving at other students.

"Grabbing my bag, I assume," (Y/n) said. "That's what he told me anyway," she added, rather unsure as she re-read a text.

"Translation: flirting with Na-yeon," said Joon-woo. (Y/n) smiled and shook her head. "You know I'm right."

"And I also know that he's getting nowhere with flirting with her," (Y/n) replied. Joon-woo checked the time.

"Let's go. He'll catch up eventually," said Joon-woo.

"What if he didn't get my bag?" (Y/n) frowned.

"Then I'll kick his ass," said Joon-woo.

"Hey! Losers!" shouted the voice known as Seo-yun.

"Speak and he shall appear," Joon-woo mused to himself, stopping just long enough for Seo-yun to half-tackle him.

"Weren't planning on leaving me, were you?" Seo-yun asked, dragging his twin down into a headlock.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Joon-woo jeered, pushing on Seo-yun's face. As the three left the school, (Y/n) saw four of her classmates gathered together. Nam On-jo had just shoved her bag into Lee Cheong-san's arms. At times, (Y/n) wondered where the line between the two's flirting and their bickering blurred. She shook away the thought as Yoon I-sak tossed her arm around On-jo, looking very disturbed indeed, and the two took the lead in heading for wherever they were meant to get. Han Gyeong-su went on to whistle a tune whilst pointing his fingers in the air.

"Does little (Y/n) have a crush?" Seo-yun asked rather tauntingly.

"If I do, it's none of your business," (Y/n) retorted, picking up her pace.

"Hey! Come get your bag! I'm not carrying it! (Y/n)!"
(Y/n) did wind up needing to return for her bag, for she had club activities to attend.

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