She turns to see she was being approached by a thin, tall orange cat rolling the stroller.

"You must doing something about these common thieves"

"I do not want this hooligans making the streets dangerous for my baby"

"Not to worry mr. Chesterfield, I'll be sure those bad guys are locked up for 1000 years" the chief smirked.

"Well as much as it hates me to say this but you might want to let them go, I need you and your best men for tonight's party"

Wolf had heard that line plenty of times before. Much as the chief liked to think she had the Bad Guys in her crosshairs, she just couldn't seem to catch them.

And with Wolf's secret lair, they had a nice, comfy place to hide out until it was time for their next heist.

they headed for the lair. They zoomed into a river aqueduct, crossed through an abandoned tunnel, then finally arrived at an unmarked set of doors that opened auto. matically for them. Wolf steered the car into the parking life, and the doors to the lair's entrance sealed up behind them.

Safe and sound at home, hidden among the streets of Los Angeles.

Inside Wolfs lair, all their prized, stolen possessions were on full display. The roomy loft had plenty of space to display jewels, cash, priceless works of art, and all the other treasures they'd stole over the years.

a spot in the center of the table for Snake's tasty
birthday cake.

Wolf bounced across the room to deliver the cake to it's rightful spot. Everyone else gathered around, preparing to sing to their grumpy pal. "Alright, Piranha, you're up," Wolf said.

In a surprisingly clear and lovely voice, Piranha began to sing. "Happy birthday

Piranha's voice sounded like an angel singing, but before he could even get through the first line of the classic birthday song, Shake blew out the candles on the cake and glared at his friends, immediately killing the mood and his pal's song.

"Seriously?" Tarantula groaned.

"C'mon, Snake," Wolf said, he picks up his cup. "At least make a toast!"

Snake sighed. "Na"

"Yeah" Piranha jumps in excitement and picks his up.

"Come on" tarantula goes the same.

"Okay, okay alright a toast fine"

He picks up his cup with his tail and rolls his eyes.

"I've made a lot of enemies in my time, i mean A lot. But out of all the people in the world, I hate you guys the least."

The other four were caught off-guard by this extreme
compliment. Coming from Snake, that kind of sentiment meant a whole lot.

"Awwww," Tarantula cooed.

Piranha began to tear up, overcome by his friend's emotional words. "That was actually kind of beautiful.

Shark nodded. "You're a poet, man."

Wolf lifted his glass into the air while Snake crossed his nubby snake arms in defiance.

"To Mr. Snake," Wolf cheered.

"And his strange dislike of birthdays."

"And baby kittens" tarantula added.

"I mean why kittens"

"Oh boy this again" snake shake his head in annoyance.

Wolf, Webs, Shark, and Piranha all cheered loudly while Snake waved them off—he was totally overcome with embarrassment. Snake always hated this kind of attention.

As Wolf lifted his arms in front of them all,preparing to take a selfie to capture the big moment, he cried out.

"Everyone say Robbery!" He inspected the picture, grinning at the result.

"Oh Look at those dimples.

Snake then snatched the picture and wolf looks back at snake.

"happy birthday, buddy."

"Okay, now dig in, fellas."

Snake gestured his head to the cake, But before any of the others could react, Piranha buzzed
through the cake, stuffing the frosting with
his fishy lips.

"Yes" piranha jumped and laughed like a maniac

"Piranha" tarantula yelled.

"Come on!" Shark moaned.

"Hey!" Wolf howled "watch the suit there buddy"

Wolf backed away from the cake so he wouldn't get any crumbs or frosting on his favorite suit.

"That was so gross" tarantula says in a calm voice.

"That was my lunch" shark complaint

"You snooze, you lose." Piranha giggled and tarantula laughed.

"You like that" wolf says

Across the room, Snake hardly even noticed the cake
argument happening at the table. He was too busy sticking the newest group selfie on the fridge, admiring this one lined up next to all their other Bad Guy

They'd really had some good times over the years, he and the guys. He reached into the freezer to grab his own favorite treat--a frozen push pop.

"Nice" Snake whispered softly.

But before he could even open the thing, Shark popped up behind him and started moaning and drooling with hunger.

"Ooh..." Shark moaned. " "wow" "I forgot we had those Push pops! Man, my tummy is
rumbling like a kraken right now."

"Yeah," Snake pulls the push pop in shark's face.

"Want it?"

Tarantula called out, "You know he's not going to give it to you"

Shark then Puts his hand up  "No, I believe that deep down, Snake is a kind and generous soul."

After a pause, Tarantula asked, "Why?"

Snake held out the pop, waving the icy treat in front of his-friend's nose. "Here. Take it."

Shark grinned and and jumped in the air with excitement "Oh, yeah! opened his mouth wide and bends down.

"Pop me, please!"

Snake pushed the push pop on shark's tongue, then Snake tossed it into his own gaping mouth and swallowed it whole.

Laughing, he teased, "Sucker!"

"Come on, man," Shark whined. "Now you're gonna make me get all aggressive." He growled and pounced on his friend.

Wolf mused, "animals" as he walked over The two Bad Guys brawling.

He takes a seat on the couch and picks up a newspaper.

"Now" he mumbled, "let's see what in the news" he flipped through every pages "Maybe new for us to steal"

then suddenly something caught his eye.

"Oh" he smiled.

He saw a headline that said.

trillionaire, Thomas chesterfield inheritance to over many riches.

The picture shows that it was the same cat from earlier from the chase.

He was posing in from of a pyramid of stacking solid gold.

"Oh" wolf intrigued by it. "It also says he is give one thousand dollars, has a safe filled with gold, owns many valuable priceless artifacts and a rare collection of jewels and crowns"

Wolf grinned "and that he's holding a shindig tonight"

Wolf slowly puts the newspaper down as he thought about the next heist.

He gets up and looks back at the hand as he smiled proudly.

"Oh guys" wolf grins "who's up for another heist.

Everyone stops brawling, then they all looked at each other and smile.

The bad guys: what if mr. Wolf kidnapped a babyWhere stories live. Discover now