She held in more laughter and sunk down to his height. "Are you okay? That was a nasty fall." 

He nodded and sat up, not looking embarrassed at all. Whether it was feigned confidence or the actions of a bumbling mad man, he simply stood and walked on stage.

She was left bemused holding a camera that needed a film change. Electric Funeral would be coming soon so she needed to hurry. Panic set in as she rushed to finish the ritual. She unloaded the current reel with haste, discarding it her bag after she put it in the plastic tube for safekeeping. She busied her hands and was on the floor in no time.

When the familiar marching of Electric Funeral began she pulled the Nikon to her eye and waited for Ozzy to move. He performed his patented spin, this time not falling to the floor. She chuckled as she clicked the button, the sound of the shutter drowned by music.


When the show was over the band coaxed her into staying with them. She was hesitant at first, remembering the first shows after-party. They promised there wouldn't be a big party this time. Their begging smiles were only a signal to their partial lie. 

The party wasn't large, just a few women and other bands. She was still overwhelmed but the sounds, sights, and smells were mild. It wasn't long before she'd had her fill and told the band that she was leaving.

"Oh, c'mon, you haven't even met Santana! You would love them." Ozzy pleaded with her to come and meet friends of theirs. 

She thought for a moment, interrupted by more pleading, and decided to go. It was like having another Bonzo around, just less bitter. 

She was quickly introduced to the members of Santana. She'd heard of their performance a year earlier at Woodstock but had never listened to them. They were unkempt and high, just as everyone else she'd met in the last three months. But they had one thing no one else did: Carlos Santana

Their guitarist, Carlos, was an attractive man with dark facial hair. Upon meeting her, he was charming and alluring. He took his hand in hers and kissed the top of it, causing her to blush.

He was immeaditly attracted to her and he could tell the feeling was mutual. He took note of the way her eyes glittered at his compliment. 

"I am flattered, but I feel I should tell you, I do have a boyfriend." Her voice was girly and giggly.

"That's no problem."

She laughed again and retorted, "The fact of the matter is that he's Jimmy Page."

His expression changed. "Well, that is a problem, then. But I'm sure we can find a way around that." 

They shared a laugh and another member introduced themself. His name was Gregg, the lead singer. She was pleased to find he was less forward. He gave a smile and handshake. Then she met Gus, the bass player, and Roy, the drummer. 

After introductions were over she made casual conversation with them. They spoke easily and openly, making her feel more comfortable and less out of place. Carlos asked why she was there. She told them about her job, relating it back to shooting for Sabbath.

"Oh, wow, you should come shoot for us sometime! We're actually looking for a photographer."

"If you'd like, I can get you in contact with my boss and we can arrange some time."

"That would be great. I'll hand it over to my manager when we get back to our hotel. That is...if we ever do," he chortled. 

She thought his laugh sounded nice. 

Gregg's ears pricked up at the knowledge that she was in the business and began telling her about the new album they'd recorded. She nodded along as he told her about the influences used on the new album. She was intrigued and told him she would love to hear it when it came out.

Ozzy interrupted their social hour to tell Gwen that they were leaving, off to have another adventure. They were going to hit the town. He asked, insisted rather, if she wanted to come. She had no choice but to say yes, of course.

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