⚡️ Chapter 1 ⚡️

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"Are you going to the World Cup with the Weasleys?" Dora asked as she walked over to the kitchen sink where Vega was washing her painting brushes. Vega looked over at her elder cousin as she leaned against the counter. "I'll be there, too – with my friends. Mum and Dad aren't going,"

"I'm not surprised," Vega replied. "They must want the peace and quiet to themselves while we're gone," Dora nodded in agreement as she fumbled around with a letter in her hand, reading it.

"Mad-Eye Moody wants us on duty that day, too!" Dora groaned, slipping down to the ground tragically and Vega raised her eyebrows at this behaviour. "Why is he so strict?!"

"He didn't seem that bad," Vega said thoughtfully. "But I suppose that an Auror's duty is just tough,"

Recently, Dora had a 'bring-your-child-to-work' day at the Ministry – and while it wasn't something that the Auror Department really took part in, and while Vega wasn't even Dora's child in any case or form – she had still brought Vega along with her to spend a day with her to see how Aurors worked.

And even though she was a bit apprehensive in the beginning, Vega quickly liked the atmosphere of the department. Dora's colleagues were all very nice and welcoming to her, and even Moody didn't say anything about her presence there, despite what Vega expected of him due to her surname.

"He liked you because you have a nice way of holding your wand," Dora muttered. "My friends and I all got scolded for our hold when we met him. He's very particular about that, for some reason,"

"In that case," Vega spoke up. "I'm glad that I didn't heed Ron's request to see Mr. Moody, huh?"

Ron had been at the Ministry with Mr. Weasley, as well as Percy Weasley. He had been pretty bored but when he saw Vega, he brightened up and the two of them hung out while Dora had been away.

Mr. Weasley was glad to show both Vega and Ron around, as usually Ginny or Percy came with him, and introduced to his partners, and even took them on a call to fix things up. Percy wasn't quite fond of the two kids sticking on him while Mr. Weasley got busy with paperwork and send them to him.

It was a brilliant day, and it was also then that Ron invited Vega to come over to the Burrow in the coming week – mainly to shut Fred up – and so they could go get Harry together. Hermione was also supposed to arrive at the Burrow on the evening of the day Vega had confirmed she would arrive. There was a lot of things that Vega wanted to discuss with Harry in person – nightmares.

And in the most recent dream, Vega had been in a darkened room, where there had a been a snake on the hearth rug. And there had been a small man there, Peter Pettigrew, and a familiar cold, high voice – the one she knew very well to belong to none other than Lord Voldemort himself.

"Vega, have you finished packing up?" Andromeda asked as she entered the kitchen before sighing when she saw her daughter on the ground. "What lightning struck you this time, Dora?"

"Mr Moody wants her on duty at the World Cup," Vega answered. "And yes, I'm done packing. I'll be leaving soon," She looked over at the clock. "About three o'clock?"

It didn't take long for three o'clock to roll around. Dora watched in amusement as Vega rushed around the house, kissing and bidding all of her pets a goodbye before she hauled her stuff into the Floo Network and went off toward the Burrow – and Mrs. Weasley was the first to greet her.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Weasley," Vega said as she entered the kitchen with some dessert that she had baked for the Weasleys. "Oh! Good afternoon, Charlie! Nice to meet you, I wasn't aware..."

"Nice to meet you, too, Vega," Charlie greeted her once she was freed from a bone-crushing hug courtesy of Mrs. Weasley. "How are you? How's Tonks? Doing well?" She nodded quickly.

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