| Chapter 1 |

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"Poopoo peepee" caiti said as she joined the Vc "Peepee poopoo" y/n said back to caiti "How are you doing today my schmoopy" caiti said lovingly "Im doing great, How are you" y/n said sounding flustered "im doing good" caiti said happily

"So i've been meaning to ask you something" y/n said nervously "yes what is it" caiti said curiously "do you want to meet up" y/n said as they took a sip of water to hide how nervous they were "Sure when were you thinking" caiti said in a excited tone

"Well we only live like 20 minutes away from each other so maybe today" y/n said in a high pitched voice "wait how do you know that I never told you where I live" caiti said defensively

"O-o-o-oh u-u-u-uhm i-i-i-i-i ju-ju-just guessed" y/n said as they felt their face heat up "ohh okay umm today sounds good I have no other plans today" caiti said sounding slightly scared

"Okay where should we meet" "Maybe at arbys since their food is just soooooooooooooooo good 🥵" caiti said "That sounds good to me what time" y/n said happily "okay see you in 20 minutes" "alright see you soon" y/n said making a f-boy face even though caiti couldn't see her

As y/n made their way to the closet they were deciding on a outfit

they ultimately decided on this dress ☝️"WOOO IM LOOKING SO FINE RN" that all they needed to do before leaving becasue they are just soooo low maintenance

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they ultimately decided on this dress ☝️"WOOO IM LOOKING SO FINE RN" that all they needed to do before leaving becasue they are just soooo low maintenance. Today they decided to drive their bugatti La Voiture Noire

When they arrived they saw caiti sitting in her car waiting patiently "HELLO" y/n said as she walked up to caiti "OMG y/n WHERE DID YOU GET THAT DRESS IT IS THE MOST GORGEOUS THING I HVE EVER SEEN" caiti said as she admired the dress "oh it's from alloverstuff" "Omg im going to have to buy myself one immediately" she said wtold th enthusiasm
Time Skip
As they are sitting under the stars y/n speaks up and breaks the silence "can i sing you a song i wrote for you"
y/n says confidently as she looks over at caiti
"Yes of course" caiti says looking back at them
"The club isn't the best place to find love and so the bar is where I go, me and my friends at the table doing shots" they sung angelically as caiti watched with tears in her eyes
"Girl you know i want your love, you love was handmade for somebody like me"

As the song finished up caiti was balling her eyes out becasue of how beautiful the song was

"Caiti I know we have only know each other for 2 days but will you be my gf" y/n said making a f-boy face

"yes yes of course" she said pulling them into a hug

Then they lived happily ever after...

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