"I was knocked out. Then tied up." He reminded her.

After Hopper escaped, Rose looked at the gun again. She was disappointed and left it on a counter. Closing the door without looking back.


Henry listened to Archie's voicemail. Emma and the Charming's were watching the poor boy. Their silence was interrupted when Pongo snuck in and jumped on the bed licking all over Henry's face.

Henry was immediately happy and started to play with the dog.

"How did Pongo get in?" Mary Margret asked.

"I brought him." The adults turned around to see Jim with Pongo's leash in his hands. "Surprise."

Emma's parents were told by Jim that he had to run an errand. They didn't know this was what he meant.

"I told him to." Emma quickly said after seeing the Charming's mixed feelings of the dog leaving muddy prints in the loft. She explained to them how they all knew Henry loved Archie and Pongo so much. So she and Marco decided to let Henry keep Pongo. And Jim quickly took action to give them privacy.

"Hey, how about we take him out to get cleaned up?" Jim suggested Henry to do. Excited, the young boy agreed and got him and Pongo ready to leave.

"Thanks." Emma whispered to the teenager. Jim awkwardly smiled and left with the two.

Emma felt good and comfortable to count on the people of Storybrooke to take care of Henry. She was hoping only the best for her and Henry.


Rose entered what looked to be Hooks private cabin. Since there was only one bed in the room. If he wanted something valuable, he would want to keep it close. She found a locked chest and saw a key in a nearby glass cup. Unlocking it, she found nothing inside. Why keep a locked up chest empty?

"Are you looking for this?"

Scared, she turned around and saw him. The man from the docks all those years ago. The pirate who fought with her father. The one who Milah left them for.

Captain Hook. And he was holding in his one good hand her brother's shawl.

Rose didn't show any reaction. Which caused him to give an evil chuckle.

"You don't look surprised to see me." He stated.

"This is your ship." He laughed out loud.

"That it is. I am assuming you know who I am."

"The man who stole another man's wife." This made him angry

"Is that what our father told you?" He stepped closer and closer to the girl. But she remained still. Not letting him think he frightens her.

"So you do know who I am." She responded instead.

"How could I not? It may have been for only a moment when I saw you all those years ago. Even now I can honestly say that you look just like your mother." She frowned and was very disturbed by his sad look in his eyes. She didn't want to hear this.

"What's wrong? Most young girls like to be reminded of their mothers."

"Not this one."

"Would you rather be like that crocodile?"

"At Least he didn't abandon me like Milah did." Hook understood now. All anger aside, he did feel sorry for her.

"Your mother was coming back for you." She refused to believe his sincere tone.

Rosemary Book: 2Where stories live. Discover now