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I wanted to start a 'book' on bible verses I've learned and fell in love with, or things I've read and feel I should share my opinion on it. I plan on updating at least once a week, I'll put a bible verse in and than explain what I think it means and how I feel about it. I think it's important for other believers to share their thoughts on verses or passages and stuff like that. God calls us to fellowship with other believers so I feel like this is a way of doing that. If you have a different opinion or thought please please share them with me, I really loving hearing other people's thoughts and opinions. So comment or message me and we can chat about it, I'd really love that 😊 Anywhos, I thought I would explain what my plan is for this 'book' Thanks again if you do read, I pray that each and every one of you who does read this will be encouraged to continue on their walk with Christ. Love Bea

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