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You knew people were looking at you with amazed faces as you walked proudly down the hallway of the new school. Even though you didn't know exactly where you were going, you knew that the doors with the numbers would lead you straight to the one you needed to go to. Second year, class three. 

When you were about to make it to the class, a purple headed boy stopped you and you gasped in surprise, not expecting him to come out of no where. The guy looked at you creepily making you look down in a disgusted way.

"Hello, you must be new here. I'm Reita Toritsuka." He said, "Y'know if you ever need anyone to show you around the school I would be happy to show you around." The guy said, lifting his arm to wrap around your shoulder. You snapped your hand around his wrist and swung him into a wall, not enough to hurt him. 

"I don't need you to help get me around this school and I definitely don't care about someone flirting with me. Learn some respect." You said, letting go and bringing both of your hands to your school bag, entering the classroom.

You didn't wait for the teacher to introduce you, as you were from America so you really didn't care about telling everyone your name. Sitting down in the first empty desk you could find, you set your bag down and pulled out your notebook. People looked at you in surprise, some of the boys giving you weird looks.

"Hey there, pretty new girl, my name is Riki Nendo. It's nice to see you, would you like to be friends?" A large, almost scary faced looking boy said to you. 

You smiled, "Of course Nendo, I would love to be friends with you. I'm Y/N." he gave a closed eye smile.

But as others started trying to talk to you, your eyes glazed over the class until they landed on this boy with pink hair. He was turned away from you, but something seemed off about him. It was like he knew you were staring at him. 

"Y/N, is it? I just wanted to know if you'd like to be friends?" This girl with a way to sweet giggle spoke to you. She had long blue hair and her whole body had a shining glow around it. 

Was she a psychic to? Just as you thought that, you saw the boy with pink hair straighten as if he heard and understood you. Your eyes narrowed.

"Hey, what's that boys name?" You asked, pointing to the boy and ignoring the girl's invitation to be friends.

 "Oh, you mean Saiki?"

"Saiki?" You muttered it to yourself. You then looked at the boy. He had been so quiet this entire time. Was it wrong that he was already your favorite in the class because he left you alone? 

Soon the class started and the teacher made you introduce yourself before you sat back down and began taking notes. Most of the things they talked about you understood for the most part, but in and out you would try to ignore his words so you could focus on your own thinking.

You wondered if the reason the pink haired boy made all these sudden movements was because he could read your mind. The thing was, you knew he was a psychic as soon as you entered the room. Because you were good with that stuff. You knew that the girl with yellowish green type hair was also one and the boy you hit too. But his abilities were unknown. Until you pieced together that he probably could read minds.

That's what you needed to stop. So, when no one was looking over at you, you brought a small blade, almost to tiny, and slit your skin, making drops of blood on the paper. Then, your your finger not even touching the paper, you levitated your finger across the air and watched the blood travel along the paper as if you did touch it.

You smirked, creating a blood block circle, a type of thing that your blood ability could do so people couldn't read your mind and go searching for information through your head. An old trick from your grandfather. 

And just as you expected, he was so surprised he looked behind him at you. That's when you finally got a good look at his eyes. Violet, even though it was almost hard to tell because of the glasses.

He then turned back in his seat and you knew that if you didn't hurry out of class after homeroom, you'd have to talk to him. 

A Drop of Blood (Saiki x Y/N) Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now