"I don't think that I'll be sleeping tonight." Lila's voice was hoarse. She looked up at Clementine with bloodshot eyes. Clementine winced, knowing the girl was right.

"Do you want some dreamless sleep potion?" Clementine offered. She shouldn't have been offering it, Sleeping Draught was often enough for someone Lila's age, but given the circumstances it seemed like she could make an exception this one time.

"Do you have any?" Lila perked up for the first time that night. The thought of a peaceful slumber was more than enough to entice her.

"No," Clementine said feebly as she watched Lila's shoulders slump back down, "But I know where I can make you some."

Clementine pulled the girl in the opposite direction, leading her to the dungeons instead of the Gryffindor tower. Lila's eyes widened at the realization that they were disobeying McGonagall. Lila didn't seem like the type to ever break the rules, but there was a first time for everything.

It was quiet when they arrived at the potions classroom. Everything was silent except for a potion that was simmering in the corner.

"You can sit down and rest, Lila." Clementine instructed as she started setting up at one of the tables, "I'll make this quickly, so you can get to bed."

"What if Professor Malfoy walks in?" Lila's eyes widened in fear. "Are we allowed to be in here like this?"

Clementine let out a quiet laugh before walking over to Draco's desk. She unlocked one of the drawers and rummaged through it. Her eyes landed on a bag of sweets, "I can handle Malfoy, so don't worry about it. Sherbet Lemon?"

Lila accepted the candies as Clementine went to dig around in the ingredients cupboard.

"Professor Malfoy can be kind of scary." Lila admitted as she popped the candy into her mouth. She let the wrapper float onto the desk, "But sometimes it's almost as if he's playing a part, you know? It's most noticeable when you're around. His facade starts to crack."

"Are all the students as astute as you?" Clementine popped her head out of the cupboard to look at the girl. She wasn't keen on opening up with a student about her personal life, but she was happy to keep talking about Malfoy if it kept Lila's mind off her sister.

"No." She yawned and rubbed her eyes with her hand, "But students pick up on a lot more than you'd think. Just like when you and Mister Nott—"

"What are you doing in here?" Draco's deep voice filled the room and Clementine nearly dropped all of her supplies. The ingredient vials clinked together in her arms as she held on to them tightly to keep from shattering on the floor.

Lila let out a squeak, but provided no explanation to the Malfoy heir standing in front of her. She turned and looked at Clementine with wide eyes, desperate for help.

Clementine straightened up, looking at Draco with a calm expression, hoping that her racing heart wouldn't give away how nervous she was about being caught.

"I'm making Lila some Dreamless Sleep potion. She needs it after the night she's had."

"What does my Sherbet Lemon have anything to do with crafting a Dreamless Sleep potion?" Draco's frowned deepened as he looked at the candy wrappers on the desk. Lila blushed furiously as she crumpled the wrappers in the palm of her hand and shoved them into her pocket.

"Let the girl have some candy, Malfoy." Clementine pushed her hair out of her face, "You're really going to get mad about that right now?"

"I'm not mad at Lila for eating my sweets." Draco's eyes narrowed at Clementine as he circled the cauldron she had set up. "I'm mad at you for breaking into my classroom, for breaking into my locked desk, and for going through my ingredients cupboard without my permission."

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