Hanging around with my uncles

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Splendor's POV
I was leaving the house today. I didn't want to but I had to for...some personal business...only slender knows what it is. I have to do this but...I'm worried about y/n,I don't know what they'd say or do.

I'm walking over to y/n's room to tell her/him about what's happening with me. I saw her/him playing with her/his toys and she/he looked like she/he was having fun and they was happy. Now here comes to hopefully not that smile fading away.

"Hey y/n" I said walking into their room "oh,hi daddy" they said "hey um...y/n I have to tell you something" "what is it?" She/he said tilting her/his head to the side. "Well...so today I have to go and do something and you...can't come with me" I said and as I hoped that her/his smile wouldn't go away it did.

"W-why not daddy?" They said "because it's...some sort of work I have to do...it's not really work but it's kinda of,you know what I mean?" I asked and they nodded kinda confused. Well of course they wouldn't really know y/n's only five.

"But...if your gone then...who will take care of me?" She/he asked "well...I asked slender but he said he would be to busy and Offender is a BIG no no" I said and y/n agreed at the offender part "sooo,I've left uncle Trender to take care of you!" I said and she/he smiled "I like uncle Trender,he's nice but your nicer than him,but not in a mean way" y/n said making me giggle.

"I know your not saying that in a mean way y/n" I said picking her/him up. "Well,I've gotta go soon so we'd better give you to Trender" I said and y/n nodded. As we was walking to Trender's room I noticed that y/n looked a bit worried "hey y/n,you okay?" I asked "yeah it's just...how long are you gonna be gone?" She/he asked "oh! I'm only gonna be gone for just today y/n! There's nothing that you need to worry about" I said.

Once we got to Trender's door I knocked on it and we waited a couple of seconds before we heard a "yes?" "Hey Trender! I have someone here for you!" I said and y/n giggled a little. His door opened and we saw a Trender with a measuring tape around his head,he looked like he was in a mess.

"What is it?-oh y/n! Hello" he said "hi uncle Trender!" Y/n said waving at him "are you leaving now?" He asked "yes I am,please take good care of her/him" I said handing y/n to Trender "okay I will" he said taking y/n.

"Okay welp,I need to get ready to go now!" I said and Y/n looked sad at me "hey y/n?" I said "y-yeah daddy?" She/he asked "be good for uncle Trender okay?" "O-okay daddy" "I'll see you soon okay?" I said stroking her/his face "okay daddy...I love you" Y/n said "I love you to" I said kissing her/his forehead.

Your POV
After daddy left I was left with uncle Trender. I know I will have a good time with him because uncle Trender is funny,he loves to see my drawings and sometimes he'll join in with me,he tells me great stories and he even sometimes shows me how he make skirts/trousers!

I saw sitting on the floor playing with my little toy monster and I was pretending that it was trying to attack uncle Trender and break his new pice of clothes he was making and I think he noticed I was doing that.

"Raaaww! The monsters gonna eat you uncle Trender!" I said and he chuckled "oh no! Please don't eat me mr. monster man! I've done nothing wrong!" He said pretending to beg and cry and I was laughing "I'm going to eat you up!" I said in a growly voice "ahhh! No! Please! How can I finish my dear nieces/nephews dress/sweater while being eaten!" He said and my eyes widened.

"Wait,what? You have a dress/sweater for me Trender?" I asked "oh yes little y/n and I'm still making it and it's a surprise...buuutt it's not really a surprise now that you know what it is right?" He asked me "yeah...but can I still see it?" I asked "of course you can,but it's not ready yet" he said.

I pouted and he chuckled "it's okay y/n,it won't be long. It's nearly done" he said and I smiled again and I continued to play with my toys.

A few minutes later
After waiting uncle Trender was finally done with my dress/sweater "oh y/n! Your dress/sweater is done!" Uncle Trender said taping his fingers on my stomach since I was lying down on his bed. I shot up from his bed and I walked over to the little wooden person. (idk how to spell it so that's all your gonna get :/)

Uncle Trender turned the wooden person around and it showed a red dress/sweater and my eyes widened and I gasped "do you like it y/n?" He asked me "I love it uncle Trender!" I said jumping on his leg hugging it "I'm glad you do,why don't you go put it on?" He said and that what I did.

Uncle Trender turned the wooden person around and it showed a red dress/sweater and my eyes widened and I gasped "do you like it y/n?" He asked me "I love it uncle Trender!" I said jumping on his leg hugging it "I'm glad you do,why don't you go pu...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


BoyI came out of the dressing room and I looked into the mirror "wow,you look so pretty/handsome y/n" uncle Trender said "thank you so much uncle Trender!" "You're welcome child" he said "I wanna wear this all day so that when daddy comes home I c...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I came out of the dressing room and I looked into the mirror "wow,you look so pretty/handsome y/n" uncle Trender said "thank you so much uncle Trender!" "You're welcome child" he said "I wanna wear this all day so that when daddy comes home I can show him!" I said and uncle Trender agreed.

I spent the whole day with uncle Trender until daddy came home and I showed him my dress/sweater "woah! You look so beautiful/handsome with the dress/sweater!" He said as he was picking me up "hehe,thank you daddy!" I said. After spending half of the evening with daddy I was put to bed and I fell asleep.

The slender brothers child (slender brothersxchild reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ