What its like to date them

Start from the beginning


Knowing Love

Muichiro knew that he loved you once he got his memories back. From how overall kind you were to him even knowing that he may not remember you the next day to how you would visit his estate whenever you could just to drop in and say hi. He knew he fell for you and fell hard.

When he did get his memories back he made sure to try and rebuild a bond with everyone expessily you. He would be nicer towards you and visit you whenever he had a chance, even if it were to be just to sit in silence and watch the clouds.

Expect him leaving things for you whenever he would go out on a mission, this would probably include some type of treat and a little note saying where he was and his expected time to be back while promising to go out to eat for whatever you want his treat.


Understanding Love

We all know that Giyuu is and introvert to say the least. It will take a lot of understanding on both sides for the relationship to work out. Yet somehow he managed to find someone who understands him better than himself.

The only way I can see Giyuu getting into a relationship is either love at first sight or a friendship turning into a romantic relationship. Him as a lover is like having to know sign language to talk to someone. But over time he will learn to really use his words and actions for you.

Expect a lot of eating out as a bonding activity, as well as the most random conversations. You can be eating one second and then explaining to each other how no the glass isn't half empty or half full. Either way he will side with you on anything just to see you happy. He really lives to see a smile on your face or even better hear your laughter at something random that he said.


Overwhelming Love and Support

Rengoku will always cheer you on no matter what the situation is. Need a cheerleader seek no further your own lover is just enough.

Rengoku's love is overwhelmingly sweet and pure true love. Whenever he gets the chance he is by your side doing whatever it is that you're doing. If you're eating suddenly hes sitting next to you with his own bowl starting up a conversation of "How was your day?" or "How was your mission you didn't get hurt did you?"

Expect a lot of praise from this man. You could be doing the simplest task and he'd tell you good job and to keep up the good work. Also expect some physical affection from him. He's the type to give you a hug and a kiss like Tanjiro before you go on a mission except hes not as shy about it, and will give you an actual kiss instead of just a peck on the lips.


Romantic Love

Shinobu knows what she wants and when she met you and you wanted the same thing it was like you two were soulmates.
You two almost immediately became friends and not long after that you became lovers.

I feel like Shinobu would be one of the most romantic people out of all the ones I have chosen. So expect a lot of romantic little dates, and a bit of teasing. Teasing as in a playful way, not in a mean kind of way like how she is with Giyuu. She knows when to stop.

Like I said expect a lot of romantic moments and little things with Shinobu as your lover. Overall a relationship with Shinobu is sweet. She's really nice with people she likes and you just so happen to be her lover.


Sweet Love

A relationship with Mitsuri is all sugary sweet. She will pamper you. Whenever she gets back from a mission you're the first person she looks for. If you're out on a mission at the moment she will sulk and everyone will know why because she will constantly be looking down.

However if you are in the area she will find you she will find you and tell you everything about her mission adding her own sound effects like "And then *boom* he fell to the ground!" she will be smiling the whole time while talking to you, what am I saying shes always smiling extra bright when around you.

Expect sweet kisses and eating out with her. She has one day a week where you'll just go to town and eat from different diners. She always hugs you goodbye when leaving anywhere, from her going to a mission to just a see you later hug.


Affectionate Love

A relationship with Sabito is nothing but affection and love. He has to be touching you in some way shape or form constantly.
But its really sweet how he does it.

You could be sitting down leaning up against a tree and he'd come over and sit next to you and just lean his body against yours and he would be content. He is holding your hand when walking with you, and he will play with your hair while you do something.

Expect him being affectionate constantly, by your side, and a little bit of a tease. And also tickle fights, you're never safe. You could even just be walking and he'd come out of nowhere and tickle you until you're crying on the ground teasing you in the process. "You were saying how you could take my tickling but I guess you can't."

Word Count: 1472
Hope you like the first chapter
                         - ZoZo
March 31, 2022

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