I looked at Kyle and he saw that I wasn't playing. He knows that I was trained by Minoru Suzuki and endorsed by Antonio Inoki himself, so Kyle knows how much of a big deal I am.

I went inside the ring, got on the middle turnbuckle, and raised my arms out, soaking in the adoration of the NXT crowd.


After getting off the middle rope, I took off my jacket, threw it over the rope, and waited to start the match.


The bell rang as Kyle and I were staring each other down, begging one of us to make the first move.

Once we moved closer to each other, we fist bumped, to show some sportsmanship, which took the crowd by surprise. The fans actually applauded that after that, it turned into almost a Japanese crowd, with the respective silence.

After showing some sportsmanship, what we did was we targeted each other's limbs, trying to lock in a hold that could make each other submit. It was only a minute before we separated the crowd applauded.

That told me we got them invested and it was time to have them remember this as the best debut match in NXT history.

After an exchange of strikes, Kyle took me off my feet and started striking me with open palms. I managed to protect myself but he locked me in an armbar! I countered the hold by countering and locking in an armbar of my own.

Then, Kyle managed to get out of it, and kick my chest. In response I no-sold it, kneed his gut, flipped him over his head, looked to kick his head, but he ducked, and we looked across from each other.

The crowd applauded and cheered again as I decided to play mind games by telling Kyle that I was this close to knocking him out unconscious and I smiled as I did.

After that, we looked for a test of strength, looking to see who's stronger. Turned out Kyle was as he put me in a headlock takedown, I put him in a body scissors by wrapping his head around my legs, choking him while elbowing his head a couple times.

Kyle countered by flipping me over and locking me in a Boston Crab. It was a bit painful, but at least we're showing off what we can do as technical wrestlers. I managed to get a hold of the bottom rope and break the hold as Kyle went across from me.

That meant, we're ready to show everyone that we're not just technical wrestlers, we're also brawlers.

~10 Minutes Later~

This match was so hard hitting and technical that everyone was invested into this match. I was having fun as I needed to focus on Kyle's right arm.

I double kneed his arm, which was signaling everyone that I was looking for my finishing hold, the Fujiwara Armbar.

Once I finished targeting Kyle's right arm, I locked in the arm bar. The crowd was chanting "Tap!" while I was stretching out his arm, looking to get the victory.

After a few minutes of Kyle trying to escape, he had no choice but to tap out, which made the crowd go crazy!

Announcer: Here is your winner, REN HOSAKO!

My arm was raised as I won my first match in NXT, but I wasn't done. I was allowed to cut a promo, but I had to be quick. I gestured for a mic as I was going to speak as I was finally given one.

I took a moment to catch my breath before lifting it to my mouth.

Before I could speak, everyone kept quiet. That showed me that they were going to let me speak without any interruptions, which I deeply appreciate because when I get interrupted, I lose my train of thought with my promos.

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