Ch. 3 Is that a girl with him?

Start from the beginning

" Also! If you think the Angels will win a World Series title in your dream. The Dodgers have won two World Series titles! One when they were known as the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1955, and the second when they were now known as the LA Dodgers in 1959," Benny proudly puffed out his chest, looking and feeling proud of his favorite baseball team's triumphs.

Katherine amusingly rolled her bright blue eyes. She has decided to surrender. She doesn't want to bicker with Benny about baseball because she knows it would take the whole day.

Thirty minutes later, the three kids arrived at the shopping district. The trio looked at their surroundings, and they spotted a group of boys hanging out near the market's entrance.

" Those boys are my friends," Benny motioned to the group of boys. " Come on!" He grabs Katherine's hand, looks to the left and right, and when he sees that it is okay to walk, he runs across the street, tugging the redhead with him.

" Wait for me!" Scotty shouts, and he runs after the two.

" Hey, guys!" Benny shouts while waving his free hand since he holds Katherine's hand with the other.

" Hey! The Jet is here," An eleven-year-old male with curly red hair, freckles all over his face, and bright green eyes named Hamilton "Ham" Porter motioned to the boys after spotting Benny running.

" Is that a girl with him?" An eleven-year-old male with dark brown hair and blue eyes named Timmy Timmons asked.

" Is that a girl with him?" Timmy's twin brother, Tommy 'Repeat' Timmons repeated.

An eleven-year-old Michael "Squints" Palledorous, despite wearing his glasses, took them off and squinted when he saw Katherine running with Benny. " Even though my heart belongs to another, I can tell when I see a pretty girl. And that is indeed a pretty girl with our Jet," He looked at his friend with a surprised gaze.

" Yeah Yeah! She's pretty. Yet I have never seen her or that kid with the Jet before?" A twelve-year-old male with black hair and green eyes named Alan 'Yeah-Yeah' McClennan speaks.

" I know them!" A twelve-year-old male with black hair and brown eyes named Kenny DeNunez exclaimed. " My Mama said we would have new neighbors today, and those two must be our neighbors," He smiled.

" Hey, Jet! Who are they?" An eleven-year-old male with brown hair and blue eyes hidden behind glasses named Bertram Grover Weeks asked.

Benny stops running, and he lets go of Katherine's hand. He turns his gaze to the Smalls siblings.

" Kitty. Smalls. Meet the guys. Their names are Ham," Benny points to Ham, who was eyeing them.

" Squints," Benny motioned to Squints, who winked at Katherine, causing Benny to glare at them.

" Yeah-Yeah," Benny smiled at Yeah-Yeah, who waved.

" Kenny," Benny points to Kenny, who nods his head in response.

" Bertram," Benny nods his head at Bertram, eyeing the Smalls siblings.

" And the Timmons twins. Tommy on the left and Repeat on the right," Benny finished introducing his friends.

" Guys. Meet Kitty and Smalls," Benny introduced the Smalls siblings to the boys.

" Yeah Yeah! But who are who?" Yeah-Yeah asked.

" The pretty girl is Kitty, while the shrimp next to her is Smalls," Squints playfully rolled his blue eyes.

" Hey! I'm not a shrimp! We are close in height," Scotty defended himself. " And besides, my name is Scotty. Smalls is our surname," He explained.

" You guys leave my brother alone," Katherine sternly eyes the boys.

" We didn't even do anything!" Ham responded.

" Guys! Guys! Relax," Benny stood between Katherine and his friends. " How about we all go to the sandlot and play baseball?" He asked.

" Baseball with a girl? Are you nuts?" Bertrum responded.

" Our Jet has crash-landed and lost his mind," Ham sadly sighed.

" What's wrong with me playing baseball? Are you guys scared that a girl can beat the same sport as you?" Katherine smirked.

" We're not scared!" The Timmons twins responded.

" Since there are ten of us. Five can be in my team, and the other five can be in porky's team," Katherine points at Ham.

" It's Ham! Not Porky!" Ham glares at Katherine.

" Jet! Are you sure about this? She's a girl," Bertram eyed Katherine.

" You know Women's Softball teams exist, right?" Benny reminded.

" Burn," Kenny snickered.

" Yeah-Yeah! His pants are on fire because of that burn," Yeah-Yeah laughed.

" Touche!" Bertram blushes, looking and feeling embarrassed.

" Come on! Let's set up our teams at the sandlot," Benny grabbed Katherine's hand, and the two ran towards the sandlot with the others following behind them.

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