TenKami (Tenya Iida/Denki Kaminari)

Start from the beginning

"Do you know why Kaminari was acting strange earlier?"

"I do." She put the bite of food in her mouth, turning away slightly.

"Would you be able to tell me?' I could feel my face flush when she looked back over, feeling the need to defend my response for some odd reason. "As class representative, it is my job to make sure my peers are all doing well-"

"Yeah?" Shrugging, she turned away again. "He's got a crush. Been distracting him quite a bit lately." For some reason, the words placed a weight on my chest.

Kaminari has a crush..?

"Oh- Do you know how to help him be less distracted?"

"I've suggested repeatedly to him to just go for it." Oh.. "But he's worried the feeling isn't mutual."

Before I have the chance to stop myself, I find myself blurting, "I don't see why- Kaminari is an amazing person. He has no reason to doubt himself." As soon as I finished saying it, my face heated again, from the statement and from the fact that the table had fallen silent when I said it, and all four of them had their eyes on me. "I- I just mean that-"

Before I could properly defend myself, quiet laughter erupted from beside me. Turning my head to look at the source, I find that Nikki is holding her hand over her mouth, attempting to muffle the chuckles and obviously failing.

When she got her snickering under control, she set a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "God you both are so damn clueless."

".. What-?"

"Nothing. While I share your opinion, Kami is in fact an amazing person. The person he likes isn't of- The typical gender people believe he should go after." I felt myself mouth an 'oh' despite not fully understanding what she meant, and she continued. "And they also come from a rather conservative background. He's worried that this person's family would be against this kind of relationship more than the person themself."

"That's so sweet-" Ochako spoke up, resting her chin in her hand. "He's worried their family won't approve."

Nicole nodded, and I'm pretty positive that is the first time they have said something to each other without her scowling. "Exactly-"

"Wait.. I'm confused. Do the three of you know something I don't?"

Izuku looked up from his food, having only been paying a minimal amount of attention to the conversation. "Depends. What's your stance on gays Iida?"

"Well- You love who you love-" Turning back to Nicole I frowned. "But what does that have to do with-" I felt my eyes widen as I had a moment of realization. "Oh he's gay-"

Nikki let out a snort of laughter and just dropped her head onto the table. Izuku shook his head, mumbling in agreement to Nikki's earlier statement about my cluelessness as Ururaka smiled.

"It's alright Iida- Not everyone is raised with that topic being normal."

"Thank you Ochako-"

The conversation was dropped and the rest of the lunch period was filled with Midoryia and Nicole bickering back and forth about something, in this sibling-like manner. And while they were bickering, the both of them had smiles on their faces.

Meanwhile, I was left to contemplate the news.

Denki's crush was a male, and if it's distracting him as much as it is during class, then it must be one of our classmates.

I went through the names, one at a time until I got down to a list of three. Bakugou, Sero, and Kirishima. They are three of his closest friends after all.

It clearly wasn't Bakugou seeing as Nikki was being so supportive of it. I've seen the way Bakugou changes around her, and just how close they've gotten.

Kirishima might make sense, except their relationship seemed strictly brotherly.

Out of all of them, Sero made the most sense. They were close, but it wasn't like him and Kirishima. The two of them hung out by themselves a lot after school.

The only thing that didn't add up was the fact that Nikki had stated they came from a conservative background. If you've ever met Sero, you could tell his family was probably the most relaxed group of people.

Ok- So I was back at square one. Having no clue who it is or how to help Denki.

Frowning, I leaned back. Males.. He likes males. That is a possibility. It's an option in life.

Maybe... I found myself thinking. Maybe that's why...

I will definitely be make a part two to this- Also I am so sorry I haven't been posting, I have like five different drafts I'm working on rn 😃 It's becoming a problem lol

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