Ami remarked glaring at Haechan who rolled his eyes at His ex. But deep inside he really is hurt hearing how harsh the girl he once loved talks to him

It's my fault anyway haha

Taeji: So If you excuse me, I have a class to skip
Jeno: wait!
Taeji: what now?!
Jeno: You cant just say you don't have soulmate, How can you explain the fact that I can feel whatever touches your skin?
Ami: Sorry nono, But dude are you High?

Ami snapped her fingers in Jeno's face trying to see if he is in a normal state or what. Ami cares for Jeno but she cares for Taeji more.

If Jeno is not lying then Taeji is really the problem, But I do understand why Taeji can't accept that fact. She's way too scared and too hurt when it come to love.

Ami: You seemed normal, but please can you leave Ji alone?
Taeji: Also It might be just hallucinations kid
Jeno: How about we make a deal

Taeji sighed and Faced the desperate boy.

He looks so desperate

Jeno: If an animal show up on my place or your place then that means you really are my soulmate
Taeji: and?
Jeno: if there's none, then we can all just pretend we never had this conversation
Taeji: Fine, do whatever you want kid

Do what you want because I believe that I do not have a soulmate, for fucks sake if I have one then It would have arrived last year, Im turning 19 in a few months and It just suddenly appeared? Bullshit.

Taeji groaned as she walk her way out with Ami beside her, But was stopped by Their Teacher Mr. Johnny Suh

Johnny: where are you going? Also why are you here Choi Ami?
Ami: hello sir suh! You look hot as always

Ami beamed him a smile, which made him Chuckle not by Ami's smile but By her Complement

Johnny: I know Ami, But you have class, Go on and Leave, while you Taeji stay we have class
Taeji: didn't you already teach?
Johnny: Well Mr. Chittapon has alot of things to do so Ill be taking over, so take a seat Ms. Moon

Ami wasn't going to let go but Johnny Pulled them apart, and Pushing Ami our of the classroom, and Leading Taeji on her seat which is right Beside Haechan

Taeji: I hate it here

Taeji muttered under her breath but Haechan heard it, and there goes the nosy Haechan

Haechan: I do too but I don't say it outloud
Taeji: shu-
Haechan: oh come on! Dont shut me up Im actually very great yknow
Taeji: yea, very great that the one and Only Ami Choi broke up with you

She sarcastically said, Haechan gasped and Hit Taeji's arm making the girl hiss sending him a glare

Haechan: for your information I broke up with her! Not her broke up with me!
Jaemin: that's just the same thing
Taeji: Exactly, You suck in both ways
Jaemin : oh you agree on me! Give me five

Jaemin remarked Putting his hand in the air waiting for Taeji to Give him a high five But Haechn gave him instead since By the looks of It Taeji doesn't want to do so

Jaemin: I though we would get closer. What a bummer

Jaemin Muttered while Jeno Glance at the girl and Sighed, seeing her hand Bleeding, he took something from his bag and Threw in on the girls desk making the girl raise a brow at him

Jeno: your hand

He muttered, Taeji stared at the handkerchief on her desk rolling her eyes when Haechan started speaking

Haechan: Omo omo omo! Isn't he so sweet! Omo-
Johnny: Now! Haechan great! What is the spelling of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

Johnny said Smiling at Haechan, while The fucking Lee Donghyuck was way too stunned to utter a word and Jaemin snorted at his face

Johnny: Na Jaemin?
Johnny: Jaemin-ah, Ms. Moon?
Taeji: what word again sir?
Johnny: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis sweetie
Taeji: Its P-n-e-u-m-o-n-o-u-l-t-r-a-m-i-c-r-o-s-c-o-p-i-c-s-i-l-i-c-o-v-o-l-c-a-n-o-c-o-n-i-o-s-i-s
Johnny: Wow! We have a new smart ass student here! Haechan and Jaemin you should learn from her

Johnny muttered giving Jaemin and Haechan a glare before continuing to teach

Haechan: I rather die that learn that
Taeji: die
Haechan: Fucking Bitch fuck you!

She stared at the handkerchief on her desk and Threw it back to Jeno, The guy turned around and stared at the girl

He sighed and took the handkerchief before pulling the girl's bleeding hand, holding It tightly. He took his handkerchief and Wrap it on her wound.

Jeno: I can feel the same pain you are feeling. So stop whatever you are doing.

He grumbled tying the fabric tightly before looking to meet the girl's eyes. She was staring at the boy with no emotion.

Jeno: dont do anything stupid. At least do it for yourself.


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