"I'll be making dinner in an hour, it'll be ready in a while," My mum said.
"Don't cause too much of a ruckus,"
"We'll try," I said.
"Atta boy," My mum smiled.

My mum walked off, probably heading to the living room.
"... Right, c'mon guys," I sighed.
I began to walk off and the rest of the guys followed behind me.

"Your mum seems really nice!" Bokuto exclaimed.
"Yeah..." I mumbled.
"Yeah, I can't believe you two finally got together as well!" Kuroo exclaimed.
"I know! Sometimes I still can't believe it!" Bokuto said, sounding so smitten.


"I'm gonna beat you!" Kuroo exclaimed.
"Oh, you wish!" Akaashi exclaimed.
I was sat on my bed, watching as Akaashi and Kuroo were playing against each other on 'Mario Kart'.

Kuroo was sat on the floor, his tongue sticking out as he tried to win against Akaashi. Akaashi was sat on Bokuto's lap, Bokuto had his arms wrapped around Akaashi's waist and Akaashi seemed to be grinning as he pressed the buttons on the controller.

Akaashi indeed won, as Kuroo whined in defeat.
"So unfairr!" Kuroo exclaimed.
"Pfft, suck it!" Akaashi grinned.

"You get so competitive Akaashi," I said.
Akaashi looked up at me.
"You're exactly the same way," Akaashi smiled.
I felt a smile grow on my face.
"Yeah, yeah, give me the controller," I said.

"I'll give Kuroo a pity win,"
"Wha- I'm right here y'know!" Kuroo exclaimed, looking up at me.
Akaashi handed me the controller and I began a new round.
"You heard nothing, pretty boy," I said.

Everything went silent.

... Shit.

"Pretty boy?" Kuroo questioned.
I cleared my throat.
"It's cause all the girls have a massive crush on you at school, I was simply teasing you," I shrugged, lying.

Bokuto smirked and Akaashi had a small mischievous grin.
"Awhh, c'mon Kenma, you don't think Kuroo is pretty~?"Bokuto teased.
I felt my cheeks heat up.
" Gross! No! "I scowled.
Akaashi laughed.
"Don't hide your feelings Kenma~" Akaashi teased.
"Guys! Stop it!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah... I have a girlfriend," Kuroo said, sounding a little uncomfortable.
"And Kenma's just my best friend..."

I felt a pain in my chest. I looked down at the ground, my hair covering my face.
"Yeah... Kuroo's clearly uncomfortable with this as well..." I mumbled.

"You have a girlfriend?" Bokuto questioned.
"Kotarou," Akaashi said softly.
"Not now,"
Bokuto looked at Akaashi confused.
"What? Kuroo is dating someone! That's-" Bokuto began.

"Kenma, can you show me where the kitchen is again?" Akaashi questioned.
"... Yeah," I nodded, getting up from my bed.
"Bo, you can play against Kuroo,"
Bokuto took the controller off of my hands once Akaashi got up as well.
"C'mon," I said, walking off.
Akaashi followed behind me.

We got to the kitchen and I leaned against the counter.
"Just, take whatever you want," I shrugged.
Akaashi frowned and stood in front of me.
"You like him, don't you?" Akaashi questioned quietly.
I felt my eyes tear up.
"No, of course I don't," I mumbled, staring at the ground, looking at Akaashi's feet.

Akaashi sighed.
"Kenma... I know how you feel," Akaashi said softly.
"I didn't experience Bokuto dating someone else but... I can understand where you're coming from and if you ever need to talk-"
"I don't like him!" I snapped, my voice cracking slightly, glaring up at Akaashi.
Akaashi was frowning.

"I'm always here if you need to talk," Akaashi said, his tone of voice still gentle and sweet.
I gulped and felt a tear escape my eye.
Akaashi took his hand and wiped away my tear.

"It's okay to like your best friend," Akaashi whispered.
"Look at Kotarou and I,"
"... I don't like Kuroo in that way..." I said, even quieter.
Akaashi patted my shoulder.

"Alright... you want a cup of water?" Akaashi questioned.
"You're the guest Akaashi-" I began.
"You're upset," Akaashi cut me off.
"And I'm one of your best friends, I'm gonna try make you feel better,"

I felt a teeny smile grow on my face.
"Thank you... Akaashi," I said.
"Anytime, Kenma," Akaashi said.


"We'll see you another time!" Bokuto exclaimed.
"Mmhmm," I hummed, nodding.
"Remember to text or call whenever," Akaashi said, looking at me with a slight bit of concern.
I smiled slightly and nodded.
"I know," I said.
"You don't have to worry Akaashi,"
Akaashi smiled and nodded.

The two of them left and Kuroo hung back.  Kuroo looked at me, looking worried.
"Are you going to be okay?" Kuroo asked.
"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I questioned, shrugging.
Kuroo nodded.

"... If you can't sleep, call me okay?" Kuroo said.
He placed a hand on my shoulder.
"... Okay," I nodded.
Kuroo gave me a small smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Kuroo questioned.
"Yeah, of course," I said.
Kuroo nodded.
"Right, I'll be going now," Kuroo said.
"You can always rely on me Kenma,"
I felt a little awkward.
".. Yeah, I know that," I nodded.
Kuroo nodded.

"... I'll see you," Kuroo said.
"See you," I said.
Kuroo made his way out of the house and I closed the door, locking it.

... Kuroo has a girlfriend, Akaashi and Bokuto are dating and what am I doing? I'm feeling shitty because Kuroo's gonna be spending time with someone else other than me.

... Do I like Kuroo?


Word count: 1539

A/N: I didn't know what to call this chapter soo yeah! It's quite long, so sorry about that.
Sorry if there are spelling mistakes or anything, I can't be bothered checking-
I hope you have a good day/night!

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