Ch. 2 - The Fatui Harbingers

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Time passes by, and so do 13 years, in which Alex grows up...

The breeze today was as calm as ever near Liyue Harbor, and Alex was sitting at the same place as always, waiting for a ship to arrive from Sheznaya. After all, he'd get to see Childe again today, and that didn't disappoint him. That very day after they had met, it turned out that he had to leave unexpectedly, and the next morning, Alex had waited and waited at the dock for a friend which would never come back..

Until now. A letter had arrived for him a few weeks ago, and Tartaglia seemingly had some business to deal with in Liyue, and that also meant they were going to see each other. Alex was wondering how be had changed, if he was still the stupid ginger he'd met that day, thirteen years ago, at the same spot as now.
'Time sure passes by fast..'
The black haired male thought to himself as his gaze wandered off into the distance, wondering when that damn boat would arrive. It took so long, and he was impatient, the only thing on his mind being Tartaglia, or as he liked to call himself nowadays, Childe. His fingers started tapping against the wood softly, a rythmic sound echoeing from the wooden boards. Was he wasting his time here, while he could be helping Baizhu in the pharmacy? Probably. Letting out an unsatisfied sigh, Alex got to his feet, looking one more time off into the distance before starting to make his way back to Bubu Pharmacy.

It was then that he heard some hurried footsteps towards him, and he turned around to face that same stupid smiling face "Been a while, comrade!" Childe gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder "You sure took your time Mr. Tartaglia. And what's up with the clothes? You look like a who-" He got shushed by the Harbinger, who placed a hand over his mouth "At least I'm a fancy whore, comrade, have some respect. What do you say we go and grab some food?"
"Sounds good to me"

And so we went off to eat and have fun, or at least, that was the plan until some Fatui guy noticed Childe and immediately ran over to him, eyeballing me up and down and shooting me a dirty look before he pulled my friend aside, whispering some things to him, and I could see Tartaglia's happy mood was swept away in an instant "Very well, that needs to be handled first" He turned to me, smiling "It seems that some unfortunate business has come in exactly at this time. Perhaps we could meet up at the dock this night?" I was more then dissapointed, we had been walking for just a few minutes and then this happened? Could business wait for one moment? I let out a sigh "Well, if you're busy I guess I can go help Baizhu out with whatever he needs, just come and pick me up at the pharmacy" With that, we parted, and Childe went to mind his own business, while I made my way back to Bubu Pharmacy, wondering what Baizhu and Qiqi were doing at the moment.

-later that night-

It was late, and I was just stacking some boxes in the back, wondering if Tartaglia would come, or if he would just get busy with other things as always. He was a busy and rich man nowadays, and I was just...well, the same boring old me. The same kid who got sent away from Mondstadt and grew up in Liyue, with just Baizhu and Qiqi as his company. I hadn't really gotten anywhere in life, but then again, I still wondered about my Vision.
That's right. I have a Vision. I'm an Electro Vision Holder, but proud isn't one of the things I'd say about how I feel regarding that Vision. I had done nothing special, yet the Electro Archon had chosen me to bear one of her Visions. Whatever.

I put another box atop of the last one I had placed down, and looked satisfied at the pile of boxes put neatly. Just when I was about to head back inside, I heard a small conversation in the pharmacy, and peeked inside. There he was again...Zhongli. Wangsheng. Whatever the fuck his name was. He'd been coming here for the past few weeks, making small talk with Baizhu. It was like they were old friends, but I couldn't recall him ever visiting when I was little. I rarely saw him nowadays, but he was an.. interesting person. From what Baizhu had told me he worked at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, and well, that was basically all he had told me. Unsatisfied with the simple answer, I had gone to pay Hu Tao a visit, but she couldn't give me more information either, since he hadn't been around for so long. Strange.

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