Chapter II

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"So basically you think this house is haunted?"

"Yeah like murder manor from American scary story!"

"Y/N I get your into all that weird shit but come on, ghosts don't exist"

I stared at Rylah unimpressed, I swear there's something weird with that house. "We move in today, we just have to clean a little at home and then we go and stay permanently"

"Well then let's hope you don't get possessed OoOoOoOo~"

"Shut up"
The bell rang signalling that it was the end of the school day. Standing up and packing up my stuff, I start my quest to the primary school. Crossing the Main Street and walking down the worn path, I eventually reach my destination. Searching the cars for my fathers, knowing my brothers already with dad, I eventually find it and climb in.

Not a word spoken on the short drive to our old house. Dad knows I'm not happy with this change, I mean we are moving out into whoop whoop. Getting out of the car all my father said was "do some more cleaning I'll get lorelei"

They haven't taken loreli yet? Poor girl, she's old, blind and deaf, their taking her to a strange place where I doubt she'll last long.

Doing some small cleaning in my old room, picking up hair ties and what not, soon we are on our way to my parents new forever home.


"All my boxes and furniture are in my room"

"Good, tonight we're going to have to sleep on the floor"

I cringed at the idea "how about I attempt to put together my bed"

My mother looked at me "good luck with that"

Walking into my new room, I stare at all the parts that will now be my bed. My parents assumed that now that we live in the middle of nowhere they'll get me a bunk bed for my 'friends'. Problem? I'm not allowed friends over. Five year old me would be happy but not fifteen year old me.

After about twelve attempts my parents come in and do it for me, even though I had it under control.

"Why is it so cold in here? Do you have the aircon on?"

"No as you can hear, it isn't on"

My parents shut up for a bit and stare at the old box aircon, not a sound can be heard from it. They have a point though, compared to all of the other rooms my room is the coldest.

I ended up getting the master bedroom, why? Because my parents turned the 'god knows what' room into their own. After they leave, I start moving the boxes so that they aren't so crowding. Even putting my book shelf into the cupboard and filling it with my books. After putting volume 3 of Assassination School on the bookshelf, my pillow fell off my bed. Not thinking anything of it I put it back on before continuing on with stacking the shelf.

As the sun goes down and the night begins, I head for a shower. Turning on, the flickering light I start the hot water. I search for my bath supplies in one of the lingering boxes, I gather what I need before stripping myself of my clothes.

Pondering life as I wash myself, thanking the lord that it's the weekend now. I pour shampoo into my hand before rubbing it on my scalp. As I leisurely wash my hair, I start to feel something on the back of my neck. It feels like someone breathing, someone's hot, sticky breath. hurrying, I begin to shove my head under the shower head and profusely wipe the soapy water from my eyes to see what it was however when I open my eyes finally I see nothing there but the wall behind me.

Shrugging it off as my imagination, I start the conditioner but this time I'm much quicker than I was with the shampoo.

After my shower I dress myself in my panties and oversized shirt, dragging myself to my bed. I turn off the light and lay down, closing my eyes. I cover myself completely with my blanket to protect myself from the harsh cold before I realise I left my cat in the lounge room.

Adventuring out to look for Loki, I call his name and click my tongue. 

No Answer

I start to panic, I know he's not with Loreli. I start calling his name more frantically, fearing the worst.

The pantry doors start creaking, I snap my head towards the direction. After contemplating for a little while, I stalk up to it. Fearing the worst I swing the doors open.

It's Loki, alive and well.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I pick him up and take him to my room. Closing the door I turn around and my heart drops.

Before me stands a boy, around my age. He stares at me as I stand speechless, he moves closer as I press myself against the door. His hair pink?

"Hey you just moved in right?"

I nod, still too scared to speak.

"Cool, I used to live here although I live just down the road now. I'm Itadori Yuuji"

"Y/N, im Y/N"

"Sweet, sorry to be whispering so quietly. These walls are thin"

I peer behind him to check if the window is open and too my surprise it isn't. "How did you get in?"

"Through the window, I heard you calling a name and I assumed pet so I closed it."

I nodded

"What school do you attend, I haven't seen you at saint Miranda's?"

"I go to southern Cliffs all the way in March City"

"That's like a 2 hour trip, just to go to school?"

"Well I was going to go to saint Miranda's but I have no friends there"

"Do you have friends at Southern Cliffs?"

He stayed silent


I looked at him face with a deadpanned expression

"Well I lied..." he paused "I'm transferring to saint Miranda's, I start Monday"

"Good for you now can you please get out"

"Oh yeah this is your house, nice panties by the way" he turned to the window "I'm off, bye bye"

I stood there flustered, I'm going to hunt this Itadori guy down on Monday.

Laying back down, Loki curls up next to me. I close my eyes and finally fall asleep.

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