Red Shoes

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Riinng Riinng Riinng

"Hello? Who is this?"




"I'm going to hang up now, okay?"

A little startled Frank decides it's probably time to go to sleep. Checking the time he sees that it's late, already past his bedtime. Before he goes to bed Frank does his usual nightly ritual. He first locks the doors, then pours himself milk to help him sleep, and turns on his fan because his ac is broken. Once done, Frank goes and lays in bed.

Riinng, Riinng, Riinng Woken up by his bedside phone, Frank goes to answer it.

"Hello? Is this the red shoes guy again!?"


"This isn't funny, I'm gonna call the police if you keep calling!"


Disturbed Frank hangs up the phone. How does he know my name frank thinks to himself, worried at how much that caller knows. CRASH Frank jumps in shock as he hears noise in his kitchen. He grabs a bat and a flashlight yelling out to whoever it was downstairs that he's armed. Frank checks the front door, the windows, and the back door. As he goes back upstairs, on the steps he sees something. On the foot of his stairs are "old and worn red sneakers". Frank throws them into the trash compactor now frightened that someone's in the house.

Riinng, Riingg, Rii-

"Look, if you broke into my house I'm going to call the cops!!"

"What? Frank it's Barbara, what's going on I've been calling you the past hour!?"

"Oh thank god Barbara, some prankster has been calling my phone."




In terror Frank disconnects all of the phones including his cellphone. He walks through his house again checking to see any signs of a break in. Seeing that he's all alone, Frank decides to go back to sleep. He makes a mental note to go to the police station once he wakes up. Once he's in his room he breathes a sigh of relief and chuckles nervously as to what happened. As he's about to close his eyes Frank turns his to side and sees a dark figure wearing old and worn red sneakers.

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