Episode 29: The Unnaturals

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Ben, Y/N, check it out."

We all turn to Max "Your hometown baseball team, the Cannons, are in the finals of the Little League World Series." He tells us, Ben gasps and runs over to look at the screen, I follow him, "No way! I was supposed to be on that team." Ben says. "Yeah, if only you could hit or throw or run..." Gwen tease, Ben rolls his eyes and glares at the ground "Think we could go, Max?" I ask. He smiles at me as Gwen continues roasting Ben.

"...-Or catch or slide. Stop me if I'm leaving anything out."


"Williamsport, PA, the birthplace of Little League Baseball. That honored institution, where dreams of greatness are first forged in young minds, along with the life lessons of fair play."

Music plays faintly through my headphones as I sketch in my sketchbook. My headphones were around my neck instead of on my ears. "Here that, Ben? 'Fair play'." Gwen says, "Ha! You're just jealous cuz Y/N's my girlfriend. That's all." Ben scoffs with a smirk "Wait, huh?" I ask, looking between the two of them in confusion. Gwen's glares at Ben nervously, he nudges me lightly "Come on, N/N, you know Gwen's gonna die alone. She wishes she could have a boyfriend that wins her nice things." Ben says. That makes no sense with what he just said...I frown in confusion before security guards search around the Rust Bucket.

"What's with all the security?" I ask, staring out the window. I take a mental note of Gwen letting out a sigh of relief. "The president is a big baseball fan. He likes to make an appearance to cheer the kids on." Max states, driving through the gate.


"There's the cannons! Come on, N/N, let's go say hi." Ben says excitedly "Eh...ok." I sigh, fiddling with my ring anxiously. We runs towards the team-only for us to be grabbed. Cash hangs Ben by his pants onto the fence while JT hangs me by the top of my shirt on the fence. Ben looks at them and groans "No way!" He sighs "Look who's hanging around again, JT. Crybaby L/N and Wedgie Tennyson." Cash teases. I squirm until I fall, face first...

"Thought you two would be hiding out from us til school started, shrimps!" Cash says, smirking at us "Yeah, well, we've been a little busy saving the world this summer instead, Cash." Ben scoffs as I help him down "Ooh-ooh! Saving the world?!" Cash cackles "Yeah, these Pee-Wees are in their own world! Probably making kissy faces at each other~" JT snickers. I growl at them, "Friends of yours?" Gwen asks "Hardly." Ben and I scoff.

"So, how'd you two *ss-uh...guys make the team anyway?" I ask, sinking my fangs back in. "Talent-100% pure talent." Cash states cockily "Oh, and four guys got chicken pox." JT states, Cash elbows him harshly "Aw man! That means I would have made the team too." Ben whines "Yeah, by default." Gwen scoffs before 3 baseballs zoom right through us, almost hit us if we didn't hit the ground.

We stand up and glare at the other team "Came for a preview of what we're gonna do to you in the next game?" Cash asks, Ben and I share an annoyed look "The score in our last game was 28-3. The next one won't be that close." The kid says emotionlessly "Yeah? Well, I'd like to see that." JT scoffs, he gets elbowed again. The kids behind us starts to throw baseballs, we have to dodge again. The other kids catch the baseballs with ease "Hey!" Ben shouts as the kids throw the baseballs again. "Hello?! In case you didn't notice, we're NOT wearing uniform!" Gwen shouts "Yeah! Attack the boys in the blue!" I shout, earning a glare for them.

A guy snaps his fingers and baseballs stop flying through the air. "Excellent drill." The coach says "Drill? They almost took those kids' heads off!" Max shouts, walking up to the fence. "Maybe next time, they'll stay out of the way. Good luck, Cannons. You'll need it." The coach says as they walk away. Cash picks up a baseball "Uh, you forgot something!" He shouts, throwing the ball towards one of the kids' head. I watch with wide eyes when the kid catches the ball without even turning his head.

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