People call me Dream.

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TW: Swearing, kidnapping
Fanart: from Pinterest (owner, idk)
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[Readers POV]
I'm woken up by shuffling objects and papers. Opening my eyes, I adjust my eyesight from now being in a somewhat dark room. I look from side to side, seeing there's No windows, and two lamps in the corners of the room.
Looking around All of my surroundings, I now see the masked guy, from my house. Remembering what happened my eyes widen, realizing I've been kidnapped.

I look down at my figure, seeing I'm tied down to a chair by rope, in the middle of the room. My breathing becomes staggered, now that I see how dangerous this is. Freaked out, I start to shift in my seat quietly, trying to loosen the ropes.

   "You know, darling. I'm not that dumb, I know you're awake now. So stop trying to plan your escape." He now looks over to me,
"It's not gonna work. You can't leave. Trust me, I know. Considering I've done this many times, I know no-ones escaped."

I snap my head up to meet his, well mask. I gasp and start to struggle even more, making him huff out an irritated breath. Looking down I try even harder, but to my avail...hands are gripping the ropes over mine.

I don't dare to look up at his face. I just stare at the veiny hands gripping mine with frustration. I feel as his body gets closer and closer to my enclosed one, his breath now on my neck.
"What. The. Fuck. Did I say?"
I suck in a sharp breath and try to lean back as much as I can. But I'm stopped as his hands creep up to my waist, holding them against the seat.

As soon as he does this, I realize this isn't any joke. I've been Kidnapped. And I need to obey every rule I'm told.
I finally look up at him as he starts to rub circles on my hips. We both are looking at one another, me looking at his mask, and him seeing my terrified face.

I see him part his lips as he lets out a raspy chuckle. "Are you scared, sweetheart?" I look up at him with furrowed eyebrows and widened eyes. I huff out a breath as I squirm in my spot.

"Get away from me."

The words slipped out of my mouth without my permission.

My abrupt comment not only surprised me, but also him. I felt my mouth fall open as I try and make out a sentence.
"I- I promise I didn't mean to-"

I'm cut off by him placing his finger against my lips, shushing me. He bends down so his 'face' is now directly In front of mine, "Wrong fucking choice." He whispers with a growl.

Suddenly he wraps his arms around my chair, now almost sitting on my lap. His mouth letting out a hot breath onto my neck. His hands fumble with the rope tied around me, now loosened.

I feel as the rope off my thighs is unwrapping, watching him pull off the rope from the chair. After he throws the rope elsewhere, he immediately grabs both my arms with a firm grip.

He kicks the chair behind me letting it crash to the ground, making me flinch.
He lets out a chuckle, and before I can comprehend what's happening, he lowers us to the ground. My back is against the floor, and him straddling my waist.

I let out a yelp of surprise as he traps me in between his arms.

"Who are you!?"

I yell out to him, with a confusion of anger.

"People call me Dream."
He pauses,
"I don't know why, since I'm their worst nightmare. But they do."

I huff out a breath from exhaustion, and use the last of my energy to ask,
"Why me." I take one last breath,
"Why. Me?"

And the last of I could talk, he reply's.

"Sweetheart, I'm Dream. I take what I please." One last breath,

"You're what I chose."
Then black. He knocked me out.
682 Words~
[Authors Note]
Second chapter is done, after like a week-
Anyways, If you wanna follow my TikTok for any reason, it's: brain.Not.f0und
:] Bye luvs <33

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