A Small Change

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Well, another school year starts today. I want to say that this year won't be a pain in my ass but I would lie obviously.
I woke up and dressed up, the went straight to the school, even tho I wanted to skip it and go to an arcade.
Once there, I've saw my classmates in a circle talking about something, so I asked them what's the matter. Obviously they said it's none of my business, so I just sat in the back of the classroom in silence. I was curious about what they are talking about so instead of putting my headphones on I decided to listen to them. They were whispering something about a "dangerous" guy and how he shouldn't be allowed in school.
Right at that moment a new guy came in. I assumed he's the guy they were talking about, but he seemed like the only cool kid in the class for me. He had a tattoo on his neck, and his hair was black and yellow, I guess you can already tell what's his nickname gonna be right? However, everyone seemed terrified by him, I can't understand why, they all sat as far away from him as possible, and he looked pissed. I won't blame the guy, I would be pissed too, so I shouted to him "oi, wanna sit next to me?".
He looked at me like I said something wrong, so I gave him a tf?  look. He didn't say anything and kept staring at me weirdly.
"What's wrong? Are you scared of me eh? I thought you are supposed to be the scary one"
  Everyone looked at me like I was about to die, damn, what a bunch of scared pussies. However the guy sat next to me without even looking at me. I think it was more because obviously no one else wanted to sit next to him, that really bring on memories of my fist day here.
The first few classes was boring, I wasn't gonna stay here all day, so after the 3rd class I took my backpack and started going to the door when banana hair asked me what I'm doing.
  "Leaving obviously"
  "Leaving where?"
  "Anywhere but here"
  "Then I'm coming too" he said while packing his stuff.
  I was I pressed, finally someone I can skip classes with, I have to say I didn't expect that in the 1st day. So, that's how I ended up skipping with the new guy. We went in the park and I started listening to music, then he got pissed cuz "I'm boring", so I said we should get to know each other and chat. He said that's lame, but I think he's just stupid.
  "So do you have a name or should I just call you Banana Hair?"
  He got mad and yelled at me saying "Never call me that again!!!", so, now I know why people say he's "dangerous".
   "Whatever, my name is Izumi, but Izu is enough"
   "Who asked"
   I wad so pissed, he was acting like I should fear him or something, well he can suck my dick.
   "If u'r gonna act like u'r so important you can move your ass home"
   He really tried to punch me after that, lame, of course I grabbed his arm and pushed him to the ground, then, I sat on him.
   "Well, you aren't so useless after all, you are good at being a chair"
   He then pushed me away and went home. Lame. But what can I expect from the pussies in my class anyway.
   After that I just procrastinated until I was sleppy, then I went home and slept. It was pretty much just a normal day, the only difference was my interaction with Hot Banana Head.

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