"Damn, that's a material girl", Kahashi said, finally bringing the teapot with four cups in a tray. He poured tea inside the cups and smiled softly to Y/N who is adoring her uncle in law. "Y/N, you looked so tired", Kahashi said. Y/N takes a glance to him, flustering. Choso laughed and clapped his hands. "Both of you were lover right?", he asked. Nezuha nugged his hand and covered his mouth with her hand. "Shhhh, you freak old dumbass!", she said. "No, no Nezuha, he's right, don't bully him!", Y/N breaks both of them apart.

Kahashi chuckles and nodded his head. "You're right, Choso sama. But that is in the past. We shouldn't talk about it. Y/N, since today, you and your husband have river bathing ceremony, which kimono are you going to wear?", he asked Y/N. Choso nugged Nezuha, asking her. "Noritoshi and his new wife, Tsubaki, dated since 6 months ago, but both of them are weird. You wanna know why?".

Nezuha who is interested with the question, slowly leans her ear to Choso as she is excited wanted to hear the statement. "I feel like Tsubaki is working for someone to ruin Kamo clan. Eversince she's here, a lot of weird things happened", he said. Nezuha frowned upon things he just said. "What do you mean?", she asked.

Choso stared at Y/N blankly and turns his lazy gaze to Nezuha again. As he is about to say the reason, the servants knock the door.

"Mrs Kamo, sorry to bother you. But the ceremony for the river couple bathing is going to held sooner and we are supposed to dress you up now.", one of them said.

Y/N stands up and opened the door. "Sure, oh meet all of you at the ceremony later~", she said, smiling. Nezuha mouthed, "Go on, Bitch!", to Y/N, while giving her a flying kiss. Kahashi stands up and walked out, realising he should be with Noritoshi to dress him up for the ceremony.

After the servants left with Y/N and Kahashi, Choso stands up and pulled Nezuha. "Let's go, we should prepare ourselves to go to the ceremony.", he said. "Damn, I haven't sleep for the whole night and I have to accompany my friend who just get cheated on? Don't mind me, wait till I marry a bigger clan", she said.

Choso laughed, and both of them walked out from the room.

*At Noritoshi's room*

"Hmph, fine. If you have to go to the ceremony, I will run away and you will never see me.", Tsubaki whimpered besides Noritoshi who is laying next to her after both of them did the nasty for 2 hours. "Love, I have to go, okay? It's just another ceremony to satisfy people that another Kamo descendant married a Kamiho descendant, so that they know our clan is getting stronger. I promise after the ceremony, I'll be by your side again.", Noritoshi said, planting a kiss on Tsubaki's forehead. Tsubaki lays her head on Noritoshi's chest, listening to his heart beat and giggles. "You're so calm around me. I love the fact you're ignoring Kamiho just to be with me. I love you~", Tsubaki said, about to kiss Noritoshi's lips.

All of a sudden, Kahashi barged inside the room with the other male servants. Shocked upon the view, they closed the doors and apologize infront of the room. Tsubaki get mad, stands up while wearing her dress and opened the door. She took a manuscript and threw it on Kahashi's head. "STUPID!", she shouted. "How dare you come in without knocking the door! I'll make sure you're going to suffer here!", she shouted again.

"I'm sorry, Miss. But you're not even Mrs Kamo, you're just a concubine, not a Kamo's lady.", he grabbed the manuscript and gives the woman his death glare. Kahashi has the right to scold a concubine because he has higher position than her. Tsubaki's face turn red and leave the room with her assistant.

Noritoshi wears a bathrobe and looked at his servants. "Time for the river bathing ceremony, I guess?", he asked.

"Yes, sir. We need to prepare you now", Kahashi speaks out. Noritoshi commands all of them to get inside the room and prepare his white golden yutaka, another matching outfit with Y/N white golden kimono.

Tsubaki walked infront of Choso and Nezuha, both of them are playing with the fishes in the pond. Choso turned around and looked at the concubine and laughed. "Please tell me you didn't just get scolded again", Choso said. Tsubaki picked up a stone and tried to throw it to Nezuha because she knows Nezuha is Kahashi little sister. Nezuha who have eagle vision, catches the stone and smiles. "It's not that easy to look down upon people, Miss Tsubaki. But if it's you, I know you belong to Nirvana",Nezuha said. Tsubaki's assistant apologized and pulled Tsubaki to her own mansion, after having a lot of embarassment outside.

"I freaking hate that guy. I swear to God, I will ruin his life here. I will defeat Y/N to become the Lady of Kamo's leader and I will make sure Kahashi kneels infront of me, begging for a forgiveness.", Tsubaki punched the mirror, making her knuckles bleeding.

"Call Noritoshi to come here.", she said.

Her assistant, whose eyes are shaking, runs away to prevent Noritoshi from coming to the river.


Yay, fuck Tsubaki. Her anger issue is bloody weird. Anyways, here's the start of the climax where Y/N is going to have harder life. Noritoshi will regret a lot istg.

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