
Start from the beginning

y/n rests her head on the pillow of her bed, one she once shared with yuki. her phone chimes, not even a minute after she sent her text message.

yeah. long time no see lol, he texts back.

we should meet up sometime, just to catch up, y/n texts back. she stares hard at her phone screen, waiting for him to text back. but the memory of aiko resurfaces, maybe he has a girlfriend? unless your girlfriend would be uncomfortable with that, y/n texts, giving herself a pat on the shoulder as if she's the smoothest person alive.

oh i don't have a girlfriend, but sure. we're going to be staying in toyko for another couple of days for sight seeing, rintarou texts. maybe we can get dinner later tonight?

"tonight!?" y/n accidentally screams. she sits up in her bed and looks around her room that was illuminated by the morning sun. clothes were everywhere on the floor, art supplies she never even taken to her studio are everywhere and to top it all off, her room did not have the best smell. but it's okay, it's okay. everything is manageable.

sure! is eight okay? i'll text you later about where we should go, y/n texts, probably seeming chill through the phone screen — but in reality she's panicking.

the first thing y/n does is open up all the windows and lights candles with a peach smell to it. as she airs out her apartment, she cleans her room, tossing every piece of clothing into the laundry and putting everything in her closet. she fixes her bed, then moves onto the bathroom where it was even worse.

it took her a total of four hours to clean her apartment, which means she only has eight hours to run errands and get ready. y/n stares at her phone, 12:03pm, all of this just for a quick hook up.

y/n chose her favorite soba place she's been going to ever since she moved to tokyo for art school. she wore black flowy pants, white button up shirt and heels. she felt like she needed to look like she has her shit together, but her true lifestyle says otherwise.

y/n walks inside, looking around the restaurant that mostly has families and couples who look like they've been together through it all. she glanced over in the far left corner, where rintarou sits. he's on his phone while taking sips of his drink. he's wearing black dress pants, a deep red button up, and from where y/n could see, he has piercings and a fancy watch.

rintarou looks extremely intimidating, not even the little kids in the restaurant dared to glance over at him. y/n takes a deep breath before walking over to him, she felt like throwing up because of how fucking stressful this felt.

"hey," y/n says, appearing in front of rintarou. he glances up, making eye contact with y/n. for a second, she could see his eyes gleam in delight. "long time no see," y/n laughs, sitting down in front of him.

"hey," rintarou says quietly, he clears his throat as if he wasn't ready to speak — like her presence caught him off guard. "how are you?" he asks, keeping his eyes on her as she looks around for a waiter.

"im doing pretty good, yourself?" y/n asks without looking at him, she raises her hand to gain a waiter's attention with a smile. once the waiter walks over to her, she's asked what drink she would like to order. "can i have a cup of iced water please?" she asks, before turning back to rintarou.

"oh, im doing good. honestly im still surprised you texted me," rintarou says while he traces his finger on the rim of his cup of water. his eyes focus on the ice floating atop of the water in his cup, he was turning shy.

y/n was surprised with herself too. maybe she was becoming an asshole towards men ever since yuki left, but she wanted to skip all of this talk and head straight for the bed.

"why?" y/n asks.

"well i mean, considering how we left things during high school. i still think about it sometimes," rintarou says with a light hearted laugh.

"that's was six years ago, we were kids back then," y/n says. rintarou studies her like he once has, she seems relaxed, sure of herself. "anyways, where were you planning to go for sight seeing?"

"i don't know yet," rintarou laughs, his shoulder relaxes and his overall mood becomes comforted the longer he sat across the table from y/n. he had a vivid feeling, deja vu even, of when he and y/n would spend their lunch hour together in the art club room.

"how's your art career going?" rintarou asks as they step outside of the restaurant. he follows y/n towards her apartment, where they'd have to walk to the train station that's a couple blocks away. "last time i heard, you only applied to art schools."

"it's going well," y/n excitedly says. "i teach art classes and i've had a couple of my artworks in small art museums, hopefully one day they're put somewhere huge." her eyes glistened and shined brightly at the thought of her artworks, she seems to be proud about it. she should be. "how's your volleyball career? i never would've assumed you'd continue volleyball."

"me neither," rintarou laughs, his voice is relaxed like it once was ages ago. "i guess i just stuck to it. i don't se myself perusing any other career either," he adds. y/n glances to her side where he walks, he seems taller, muscular, comfortable in his surroundings and not once has he been on his phone.

they talked the whole way back. there was a tension between the two. they didn't know what it was but it was there. it wasn't a sexual one, nor an uncomfortable one. it felt warm and energetic, like their two souls were charging each others back to life.

"well this is it," y/n says, abruptly stopping in front of a nice apartment building. through the glass doors there's a small lobby with a man behind the counter, talking to someone inside. the floor is made of tiles that are black with golden flakes, and the inside with painted white with gray accents. the elevator doors are the same as the tiles, which open up to a family walking out.

"did you want to come in?" y/n asks as she waves at the family walking past them.

"sure," he says, following her inside.

"sure," he says, following her inside

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AN: y/n gojng thru a hoe phase. okay hoe phases are normal, healthy even. not everyone needs one but when someone does have one it's good to know what you want during sex and what you find attractive in people. me , however, im not built for hoe phases. ok i take that back, i have rebounds in my snap and i used to label guys in my snap by numbers 🧍‍♀️ but anyways, i went thru a bad kind of break up with the ex i was talking abt from previous chapters.

um. let's just say it was a right person wrong time thing.

anyways i'm still in love with him and my heart will always be his and his will always be mine, but it's just not the time rn.

but what im trying to say is i can't have like multiple ppl in one time period, it has to be one at a time. im also a relationshipy person, so my fwb things are more like relationships with just the benefits and not the hardships. which is very unhealthy btw bc when you are in a relationship you don't know how to react or do anything when like arguments or something bad happens. but idc 💀💀💀

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