Thank You For Being A Friend

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(Sorry this fanfic is so short, I hope you can still enjoy it!)

Call Time: 9:01am

Sasha: Hey Jodes, how ya feeling?

Jody: I don't really know. It's just hard to wrap my head around, it's a lot to process you know? She feels the tears fall down her cheeks, I um... I wish you were here, I'm trying but I can't do it on my own.

Sasha: Ey ey ey, you are lots of things Jody Jackson, but alone? Now that is one thing you're not. You've got me for a start, I'm only a phone call away. Then there's May-Li, we both know she's probably worrying herself sick about you right now. Same goes for Scott, Every single person in that house loves you Jody. Let them help you, talk to someone... Please.

Jody: Luke's overseas and my mum's refusing to do anything, which means I've got to sort the flowers, do a speech... I don't even know what to say! Tyler's going straight to voicemail, you're on tour with Drew... everyone I need right now... The people that matter most, they're nowhere to be seen.

Sasha: Listen, breathe, take a second. No-one's forcing you to do any of this, if you don't feel up to organising the flowers and stuff, then don't. This is your time to grief and everyone does it differently. I'm here for you, and I'm going to help you get through this okay?

Jody: Thanks Sash, can you help me pick these flowers out?

Sasha: Sure. -------------------------------------------------------

Hey readers, so I wrote this really quick fanfic to mark day 1 of #finaljashaweek, be sure to follow my instagram @mostlytracybeaker to see my Jasha video edits throughout the week!

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