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(Your POV)

I don't quite remember the day I arrived in perfection. It was a long time ago. I can't tell you how long, but long is long enough. I never really liked it here before. Everyone was so rude and selfish, I tried my hardest to reason with them, but being perfect was all that mattered. I wasn't "ugly" others definitely had it worse here, but I definitely wasn't perfectly perfect either. But didn't everyone? I refused to really believe that someone could exist without flaws, it didn't make sense to me. I had few friends such as: a dark-skinned doll named Mandy, she always wore her purplish-pink hair in a bun and had these gorgeous dark orange eyes.

I looked up to her as she was much smarter then I could ever be. I had other friends but Mandy was and is my closest. She used to hang out with these three girls a lot. We called them the: "Spy Girls" cause they seemed to know everything, anything, and wherever it was, like Spies! One of them, Kitty, had pink hair kept into two pigtails, she was very outgoing but fairly full of herself. Then there was Lydia, she had purple hair with a braid and ponytail. She was decent and probably the nicest out of the three. And last but not least, Tuesday! She was kind of dumb but fairly sweet, her hair was short and blue. (Side note: she really liked her bangs)

All the three of them were sisters and never, ever apart! I don't think I have ever seen one of them alone, just by themselves. And now there's one person I have yet to mention. If I were to sum up our relationship, I would just say we were "acquaintances" at the least. Everyone loved him for some reason. I acted like I did to fit in but thinking about it I kind of had a hatred for him. Just because he was perfect didn't give the right to judge and insult the rest of us, right? His name was Lou, he had Blonde hair and bright blue eyes. oh! and of course there's me. I have H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes. My name is Y/N.

I'll never forget the day, well more of a week, that this whole world of perfection, turned upside down. It was a day like any other, or at least for the time being anyways. I was taking a walk sometime in the early afternoon. I love going on walks. Not to see people but to see all the lovely sights. The gentle blue sky and the shining sun. Also its good for you. That's when it started. there was a boy walking over to the Spy Girls. he had brown hair with a green streak through it and freckles dotted across his face. his eyes were quite odd. they were two different colors, his right was green and the right was purple. His name is Nolan, but I didn't know this at the time so I just called him Grape Boy. (I still do sometimes)

"Excuse me?" he asked. The three girls looked at him with confusion. "Whose Lou?" Oh shoot. I thought to myself. I knew what was about to happen, so I quickly darted off before the incoming crowd could run me over. Little did I just missed one of the strangest things in perfection history.

A Heart Of Gold (Lou x Reader) (ANY GENDER!!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu