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Johnnie's p.o.v
How could she do this I thought as me and Bryan drove to the hospital I was still crying Bryan was fighting tears I could tell because he kept blinking them away and when he did they came out a little as we were driving we could see the ambulance a few cars in front of us at almost full speed once we got to the hospital we saw Alex in one of those bed's they use to take patients in the ambulance as they put the whatever you call them off the ambulance I saw they were holding Bryan's shirt on her wrist and she had one of those oxygen mask as they took her inside the hospital please god don't let her die she's to beautiful to die was all that ran through my head me and Bryan sat in the waiting room he hugged me and said "she's going to be alright let's just wait and hop she is " he said as we sat down I looked over at Bryan who I think decided to let the tears go "I love her so much why would she do this " I said "maybe she didn't want us to get in her problem's " Bryan replied "I love her to much to let her go " "we both love her " he replied "I love her more than a friend " "I know that you love her like that and I love her as a sister '' Bryan replied "how did you know" I asked "I saw it in your eyes and the way you looked at her " "you sound like an old lady " " I know " was all he replied I hugged him as I started crying a little bit we waited for what felt like going ever but was only like 2 or more hours until we saw a doctor come in the waiting room "family of Alexandra Odell ".he said "that's us " Bryan answered "can I talk to you " " sure " we replied he took us to the hall were there's all those rooms until he stopped at one "she's out of danger she'll need to rest for a while she will stay here at lest for a week to make sure she's okay she took at lest 10 pills we stopped the toxic of the pills to spread through her body and we also stopped the bleeding the good thing was you guys put the shirt around her wrist to stop a little of the bleeding ""thank God " "can we go see her " "sure " the doctor replied as we walked inside the room I ran over to her side and graved her until unwound hand "Alex thank God your okay ".she smiled a little "we love you to much to let you go please don't do this again " Bryan said crying the room was filled with sobbing noises "I'm sorry I should have told you guys what was happening " "why didn't you tell us'' "because I didn't want to cause you guys any problems " "I love you so much you could have told us we don't care what it brought us '' "we both love you so much your almost technically my daughter your mother gave me your custody " "now tell us why you did this " "they were sending me messages telling me things like fat bitch ugly worthless stupid whore kill your self play in traffic slit your emo wrist and all those things and I just couldn't take it any more " she replied me and Bryan hugged her "these scars won't tear us apart because we need you is it to much to ask " Bryan said "I see what you did there and no its not to much to ask " Alex replied after that we stayed the night in the hospital Bryan just went to get a few things  for Alex and got us some clothes  for tomorrow I hope she gets better ...

it took one look (Johnnie Guilbert fan fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin