"I Never Wanted to be Apart from You"

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Giggles filled the playground they were in, it was just the two of them. Shu and Luca.

"Lucaa help me please!" Little Shu called out. He tried to climb onto the swings, but failed as he wasn't really at the appropriate height.

"Can't you use your magic to climb up?"

"I'm not allowed to, so please just help me!"

"Jeez you're so short! Maybe you should drink a bit more milk"

"My height isn't even that far from you!" Shu turned away madly in disbelief.

"Yeah but im still taller!" Luca teased while sticking his tongue out.

They were young children having fun and laughing their stomachs out, as they should. As their childhood progresses, they should have happy memories to treasure as they grow.

But that wasnt the case.

The TV played in the background as Luca and his family ate dinner.

And now for the daily news:

There have been a rise in murders and the police have found that 76% of these are caused by sorcerers. Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen.
The height of increase of magic-users have caused the increase of death as well. There is no way to tell that a person is a sorcerer right away, so please, be careful, authorities are trying they're best to secure this city. Thank you, and Good Night.

That was the only thing going across Luca's mind.

Is he okay?
Will he get hurt?
Can I still see him?
Will he get arrested?

"Luca, you hear that?" Mr. Kaneshiro finally spoke.

"Hm?" Luca was still in a daze, he was so worried.

"You can't hang out with that friend of yours anymore." His father responded.
"You too Lucy, i know you dont as much, but still."

"What?!" Luca could not believe his ears, he really won't be able to see Shu again. "Can't I at least say goodbye?"


"Sure dear, why not, as long as nobody else sees you, and you have your earring on." Mrs. Kaneshiro interrupted her husband.

"Yay!" The little kid was glad, he could at least see his best friend





The next day Luca waited at their usual spot.

He waited.

And waited.

and waited...

But he never came..

Luca decided to visit his house, he knew it was disrespectful, but it was his last chance to see him.

When he got there he could not believe what he saw.

He saw Shu being dragged out of his house, crying and bawling his eyes out, there was red and purple on his face. Shu was fighting to stay, fighting to run free.

Luca wanted to run towards him, but he couldn't.

He couldn't move.



Won't you save him?

He stayed still, his body wasn't listening to him.

He just stood there, shocked and in fear.

Shu caught Luca at the side of his eye, "LUCA!" he shouted.

"SHU!" Luca finally moved.

"I'm sorry Luca, don't forget me please." the tired Shu used the last of his strength and tore the necklace hanging from his neck and threw it over in Luca's direction.

Luca ran towards it, desperate to catch the last thing that could remind him of his best friend.

By the time Luca could move properly Shu was already taken away.

and all he could do was cry.

Angst chapter except i cant write jack shit lmao

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