coffe beans

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"hi welcome to Starbucks what can i get you today" Seth asked the costumer in a tired voice.
"can i just get a iced coffee with little amount of ice"
"sure thing" Seth said annoyed
"name please?"
"oh alex"
"ok your order will be out soon"
Seth has been working at Starbucks since the first day of may. it's september now and Seth is in his last year of high school. He has been alone but he has some close friends, he lives alone in his apartment and he has a pet dog that is walked and watch when he is at work and at school. the frat boys and the jocks are the people he hates the most at his high school they are always saying names and being stupid at school. the jocks and frats usually walk in to Starbucks after school or on a day in the summer. Seth doesn't bother them at all they just bother him.
Seth's shift just ended at 3:30. the school had off that day for some stupid reason.
It was 3:20, 10 more minutes until his shift was over. He has been working since 10:00 in the morning and he is a mess. his hair was all messed up and he has been half asleep most of his shift.
the door to enter the coffee shop opened and it was all of the jocks with their brown fluffy hair and the nike shorts. Every single 26 of them in their whole group decided to come to Starbucks right before Seth's shift ended. They all decided to order together and their total was 78.64$. they all got lemonades and refreshers. Seth noticed how all of their bikes were outside of the Starbucks. the Jocks noticed how Seth was the only one in the coffee shop working all alone. One of the jocks was giving Seth's. hard time and seth just rolled with it.
when the jocks got their drinks they all left and decided to sit outside on the patio section that was apart of the starbucks.
Seth could overhear what the jocks were talking about
"yo danny your still throwing that party after the homecoming football game"
"yup it's going to be a cool ass party after the game" danny said in a chill voice
Seth knew that he is going to the party he has went to many of them, even when the jocks and frats were there. Seth dose drugs and drinks at many of the party's that he goes to. he had to be rushed to the hospital once or twice for alcohol poisoning and something with the drugs that he took. Seth vapes but he's not addicted to it. he tries his best to not vape when he's alone by himself. work helps him a lot with drugs alcohol and smoking, work keeps him away from that bad stuff.
The jocks walked back into the shop but it was only three of them and Seth was extremely exhausted from working double shifts.
"what do you guys want" seth asked annoyed
" we just wanted to say that you are welcome to danny's party after homecoming" the jocks said
" ok thanks also we are closed so you and your. group have to leave thanks."
the jocks left and seth started to clean up the mess that they left.
"they are fucking disgusting" seth said extremely annoyed.

(sorry that this chapter was short it's kind of like in 2 parts this chapter and the next but i hope you enjoy <3)

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