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chandlers pov

i have a biggest crush on my best friend.

and do you know who that is?

joey tribbiani

he's the hottest guy on earth, and no one knows i'm gay

not even joey.

plus, i can't even tell joey that i like him, he's straight. he brings so many girls home, and have sex with them. so he's clearly not a virgin.

"hey chandler, what's wrong?" moncia ask.

maybe i should tell her

since we're the only ones in her apartment

"well um..."

"you have a crush on someone?"

i look at her

how did she know?

oh right

it's moncia

she's a smart ass.

but, i've known her for so long and i know she's very good at keeping secrets.

"promise you won't tell anyone?" i ask her

"oh so you do have a crush on someone!" she says

"shush!" i say

"okay okay, i won't tell," she said, "who is she then?"


then joey walks in, i look at him


"hey," he says taking food then walking out and shutting the door

moncia looks at me "joey?" she mouthed

i nodded

"holy shit, joey?!" she says

"shut up he can hear you!" i say

"since when?" she ask

"i don't know..." i mumbled, "maybe months ago? but please oh god please don't tell anyone."

"i wont." she says, "but when did you started having feelings for him?"

"like maybe 5 months ago?" i started, "but he brings so many girls home, and i just can't stand hearing him."

"chandler," she says, "i know how hard it is falling for your best friend, maybe he lik-"

i cut her off, "yeah right he likes me back," i say, "do you know how many girls he bring home?!"

"i know b-"

"i'm outta here." i say walking out phoebe pops out

"oh hi cha-"

"hey, bye," i say.

"well okay then." she says

new book!!! i feel like i'm gonna like this one. i'm a super big fan of friends, watch every season many times, besides season ten cause yk that's the saddest one. and i love all the characters!!! and these characters are not mine they belong to the creators of friends!!! 🤍🤍 enjoy the new story!!

~chandler and joey~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant