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                 TRAVIS  opened his eyes in the hours of the early morning and got up from bed and looked at his latest blood bag.
                   The guy was cute ; blonde crew cut hair and the man's eyes were a shade of blue- grey and had a perfect chiseled jaw. In Travis's long life , he had only loved one man and that was fifteen years ago.
            Greyson was his first and only love, and apart from Vic, he was the only person the heretic cared about.
              Travis only indulged in flings before meeting Greyson Smith on a online gay dating site. He found him funny and witty and very sexy as well. But like all good things , their relationship came to an end when the human developed stage three pancreatic cancer. Travis had the great idea of saving Greyson by turning the human into a vampire.
            He was heartbroken when he saw the revulsion in Greyson's eyes when Travis showed him his vampire face and fangs . He was devastated when Greyson told him to stay away from him and rejected the idea to become a vampire. Three months later , Travis was surprised when Greyson's family asked him to see him in the hospital. Immediately, he vamped to the hospital and broke down when he saw Greyson's pale face. Greyson had asked him if he ever really loved him and all Travis could do was nod as his voice was too hoarse with tears streaming down his face. The two kissed each other one last time before the life seeped out of him. After his funeral, Travis decided to switch off his emotions and that lead to a whole series of events he never wanted to remember, it was only through Vic that he flipped his switch on.
                   As always, when it came to picking up random men in bars , he would compel them not to be afraid of him and forget that they ever met. He gave them the free choice of whether to sleep with him or not, which they always did . Human men couldn't keep themselves off of him and he smiled.
             So after Greyson's death, Travis reverted to his old lifestyle of flings with humans as blood bags and having alot of sex and casual sex with other vampires. He decided this was the only to forget the only man who made him feel something in his long existence . He kissed the stranger on his cheek , his ritual with all the humans he slept with as a thank you.
                  He got back to his shared apartment he lived with Vic to see her reading Fifty Shades Of Grey with such intensity.
                   " You enjoying your book," he asked with a smile on his face leaning on the wall.
                    " Seeing as you left me alone ," she  said  being dramatic smiling back at him , " I decided to read. Even if the book is ," she made a face which was a mix of confusion and embarrassment , " really weird."
              " Totally weird right!," He exclaimed and she laughed as they started pointing out the book's flaws of why anyone in their right mind would agree to such flagellate activities.  They agreed Christan Grey was a sicko.
               Like all vampires, the two best friends blended with humans in such a way no one would be suspicious. As Heretics it was even less suspicious. The two rarely used their hybrid powers unless it was for petty reasons like getting to the bathroom before the other or setting things on fire for no reason at all because it was funny. However , as the only Heretics they were powerful as they still performed spells , the average witch would deem feasible. But they preferred to live their lives away from supernatural drama , that too , included themselves and only wanted to live a normal life for probably another century or more as Vic always suggested eager to reach 3022.
                 As Travis was preparing to retire to bed , he received a phone call from some unknown number. He frowned and picked it up.
                     "Hello Travis," a familiar voice said from the other end and he smiled.
                   "Lily , it's being so long ," he still had a smile on his face. Travis looked up to the woman as a mother figure especially when she took him in. When his old man kicked him out for being a Siphoner and liking men ,  that was the best day of Travis's life as he would no longer bear the man's insults. Lily took him and Vic in  after five months on the street.
                    " I wish it was for a get together . But we need your help Travis as well as Victoria's ." The smile dropped .
                 "Lily ," his voice was stern. Last time they wanted revenge they ended up in a prison world. He and Vic were lucky as they didn't want to face the gemini coven.
                   " Listen , our family needs help. We're in Mystic Falls and my sons and his friends just killed Malcom." All Travis saw was red when he heard his favorite heretic was dead. Malcom was the one that led them to Lily and He was Vic's first love.
              "When do you expect our arrival." His voice was firm but he didn't want to involve Vic in this.
              " Can tomorrow be suitable for you." He agreed and went to bed.
                     Travis woke up at nine , packed his bags and decided to to think of how to tell Vic without saying  the truth while still maintaining his spine. A humanity off Vic led to a ripper Vic who enjoyed taking out spines and spleens . Her cheerfulness always masked the ripper within her and with Travis as her anchor it tended to keep the ripper at Bay.
                      "When were you telling me Malcom died," Vic said in a towel with a frown on her face.
                    " Am naked!!," He exclaimed as she tried to pry the door of the shower open.
                       He slightly opened it and saw the angry glare on her face.
              " Did you eavesdrop on me?," He raised a brow and she gave a childish pout which confirmed his suspicions .
                  "Vampire hearing," she glared at him as if it was obvious and then he remembered that aspect. There was never a rule about the both of them eavesdropping by using their powers.
                  " Ok noted," he gave a sheepish smile while Vic glared at him and he gulped. He was not in the mood for a Victoria Hughes tantrum which was as dangerous as his.
                 " Vic I knew you're going to be upset by this. I know how special Malcom was to you and how devastated you were when he got trapped in the prison world. I didn't want you to go through the same thing ." He saw how his words didn't seem to affect her.
                   " Travis , you can't decide whether I should grieve or not. Malcom was my first love and the only guy, besides you , who understood me. So you can't decide to avenge him without telling me." Her eyes were watery but Vic never wanted to cry even in front of Travis when her parents shunned her away or the racist remarks about  her.
                   " Am sorry Vic , you're right, I shouldn't have withheld this information from you. I was selfish, don't hate me okay, " Travis' voice was sincere , the two never liked hurting the other even if they turned off their emotions. They could hurt shrewd humans and not feel guilty, Innocents they accidentally killed just a little ,but to each other their emotions were heightened all the more hence the guilt of hurting one another sucked.
                    Vic smiled , " does this mean we're going after the little Salvatores, " she beamed  with mischief in her eyes definitely punishing them and those  who killed Malcom.
                 Travis smiled back at her and nodded , " Yeah,".
                 "Yeah, " she beamed even more , " yeah," she stepped into the shower and hugged him.
                "Uh, Vic , you're naked  too," her towel fell off immediately she hugged him.
                  " Don't ruin it," she said casually and he miserably groaned.
                 "What no," and they both groaned at that.

       This pic is so adorable so I decided to add it

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       This pic is so adorable so I decided to add it.

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