
We scoured around her apartment for hours grabbing her things and shoving them into the suitcase. She gathered clothes, hygiene things and money?

"Y/n where we go this," I held up a pound, "isn't always excepted."

"Well you never carry money with you!" She turned around just throwing all her clothes across the room. Most of them landing on me instead of the suitcase.

"Um," she turned around and started bawling laughing.

"Oh my god Doctor I'm so sorry," she continued to laugh and snort.

"I think you should definitely pack these," I held up a pair of black lace underwear as payback. Her face was instantly bright red.

"Oy!" She threw the pair down. "Watch it spaceman!"

As she continued packing, I secretly scoped out her apartment. All the tables were covered in blueprints, measurements and future projects, part of me felt bad for ruining such plans. The rest of the home was mostly filled with f/c furniture and vintage knickknacks. "You collect things?" I held up a box of old vinyls next to her record player. "Oh I haven't seen one of these in ages!"

"I guess I tend to. Why?" She turned around to see me holding the box. "Oh those are just,"

"Beatles albums? There all Beatles albums!" I was amazed she not only had the classics but very rare finds. "What a collection!"

"You don't think it's weird?" She stood in the corner and I walked over to her, extending my arms.

"I think it's amazing! Think about it y/n, an alien lands in London in 1963." She stood there with a blank face. "The Beatles were everywhere, Beatlemania!"

"I would of loved to meet them, I mean half of them are gone now."

"Oh John is everything like they say, so funny, creative and brilliant! Reminds me of William." Her eyes got huge. "Shakespeare sorry, ole Willy, a cheeky fellow for sure. He fancied me." I clicked my teeth and winked at her.

"John Lennon? And Shakespeare! You met them?" She stood shocked.

"Oh yes! John, Paul, George, Ringo, Billy," I ran back over placing her vinyls back down and looking around more. But then I got a wonderful clever idea, as I do.


"Never mind that well, y/n I believe we've found our first trip in good ole Tardis. Hurry up!" I ran up towards the door. "It's time to head to 1969! Allons-y!"


"Doctor this is crazy! We can't go meet the Beatles!"

"And why not?! Come on y/n," he looked at me in the midst of his flying the Tardis chaos. "Live a little." He bounced his eyebrows. Watching him fly was nothing more than entertaining, he practically danced around the Tardis like it was his salsa partner.

"Well, well," I tried to think of a reason to say no but I couldn't. So the only think I could do was change out of my pjs into some groovy 60s clothes.

-Doctor POV-

"Let's go y/n we have time traveling to do Ah! 1969 won't be around, well for now it won't be around forever." She bounced out of the back Tardis door into the main room and out the double doors.
I couldn't help but gawk at her appearance.

She wore long bell bottom pants, a white button down with frills and a colorful scarf around her neck. Her hair was huge in tight flipped out curls. Truly she was a vision but I tried to hide my attraction. "We'll don't you look well suited for the time and hold on hold on is that my tie?"

"Yup it makes a very colorful scarf doesn't it!"

"Hey don't lose that, Elvis gave me that tie! Yknow I used to wear a scarf! Long and multicolored."

"Oh I saw it while I was raiding your closet." She rolled her eyes but laughed. I raised my finger to scorn her but quickly let it go.

"Shall we y/n l/n?" I held out my arm.

"Let's go meet the Beatles!" She couldn't help but glee with excitement and even though I had been here before, she brought a whole new level of excitement to the trip.


"Here we are!" Me and her both stood still. She gasped out loud.

"Apple Studios! My god!" She ran up to the doors quickly not giving me time to come up with a plan about us getting in. During this period the Beatles would have high security.

We were quickly met with a receptionist asking us our, "purpose of visit."

"Oh yes, quite right, I am," I flashed her my physic paper, then looked at it and chuckled. " and this is my plucky assistant."

Y/n coughed, "plucky?" She said under her breath and I laughed.

The receptionist was quick to escort us back to the studio, evidently the physic paper made me quite a man of importance. "The boys have yet to arrive sir but when the do I'll make sure to introduce you." She bowed and walked away.

"Sir?" She turned and gave me a glance. I held up my psychic paper, to show her what it said. "And?" I raised my eyebrows. "It's blank?" She said.

"Oh that, that is fantastic." I laughed to myself. Y/n held a permanent confused look until the studio doors opened.

"Good morning everyone," said in a thick liverpoolian accent. And in walked in Ringo Starr. "Holy," I heard y/n be shocked I nudged her and gave her a wink. The lady then grabbed ringos shoulder and whispered in his ear. Then he started to walk over.

"Your excellence it's an absolute honor to meet you, and you too ma'am," he shook both our hands. "The rest of us should be here," just then George Harrison, Paul McCartney and John Lennon walked in. Each grabbing a cup of tea. Ringo waved them over and I turned to see y/n basically vibrating with anticipation.

We all shook hands and exchanged hellos. "So do you want to hear some music?" John offered.

"Oh yes! Yes please." y/n said.


As the guys sat down and warmed up with one another I found myself getting emotional. "Snh," I sniffed trying to keep it hidden but the Doctor put his hand on my shoulders.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm just amazed." Just then Paul McCartney walked up to us both. He was wearing a white T-shirt and a black vest and bell bottom trousers. His muted colors made him stand out in the room of yellows, oranges and other psychedelic fashion. I was a huge Paul McCartney fan more than any other Beatle, almost every of his records were in my collection.

"Sorry I don't believe I introduced myself I'm Paul," he shook the doctors hand, "and you are?" He grabbed my hand and kissed the top.

My face went flush. While yes Paul was a good looking man, almost the same age as me at this point, in my time he's...old. "Y/n, y/n l/n"

"Oy Macca watch it!" The Doctor warned and paul turned and looked at him with confusion. Then his eyes went big.

"Doctor! Is that you? You've regenerated! You think your smooth," the Doctor shushed him.

"If it's okay with you paul I think me and y/n just want a low key trip with some good music. We can talk later." And with a pat on the shoulder Paul kept that promise. For six hours all the Doctor and I did was listen to the future hits and melodies that would change history forever.

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now