Chapter 1

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Professor: Alright that is the end of today lecture. I have few quick reminders and then class will be dismissed. We have test over chapter 6 next week and your chapter 6 assignment is due by the end of next class period. You may be dismissed.

All the students gather up there things and head towards the exit.

Kylie: Josh wait up.
Josh: Yes. Kylie right?
Kylie: Yeah that's me.
Josh: What do you need?

Kylie: I was wondering if you could help me do something tomorrow night.

Josh: Why tomorrow night?

Kylie: I have a new exchange student who is going to be my new roommate. She has a doctors appointment so she can't help move her stuff into the room.

Josh: Wow that sounds rough.

Kylie: Yeah it is. Anyways would you mind helping me out?

Josh: Why me?

Kylie: Everyone I asked said that they had some type of school event and since Football season is over I was wondering if you could help.

Josh: I have a date tonight but I think that I could ask if we could reschedule our date.

Kylie: Oh right you're in a relationship.

Josh: It's okay I'm sure if I explain your predicament that we can agree to reschedule.

Kylie: Really. That'll be so helpful. Thank you.

Josh: No problem I'll give you phone number so that we can make plans on when to meet up.

Kylie: Of course I'll give you mine as well.

Josh and Kylie exchange numbers and then left the classroom. They talked a bit longer but then left to back to their own dorms.

Josh slowly opened the door to his dorm building hoping that he could get Noah to agree on rescheduling so that maybe it will be easier to ask Preston and Gareth.

Noah: Babe!

Noah then began to run towards Josh and leapt onto him for a hug. Josh then wrapped his arms around Noah and kissed him on the head.

Noah: I got worried because you came back later then usually. Are you hurt?

Josh: No I'm fine and even if I was hurt seeing you made me feel all better.

Noah: Oh babe.

Josh: So are you able to kill a few hours to be together.

Noah: Yeah I don't have any assignments.
Josh: Alright then. My dorm or yours.
Noah: Yours. My dorm is kind of a mess.
Josh: Okay if that makes you feel better.
Noah: You spoil me babe.

The two hold hands and enter Josh's dorm room. Josh heads towards the kitchen and Noah sits on the bed.

Josh: How many ice cubes in your lemonade?
Noah: 2 please.

Josh takes the two glasses of lemonade over to the bed and sat next Noah after handing him his glass.

Noah: So how was your day?

Josh: It was good. I talked to a girl in my class and she's apparently getting a new roommate.

Noah: Oh cool maybe they can become like Preston and Gareth.

Josh: Yeah maybe. Also she asked me if I could help her new roommate move in since her roommate is going to be at an appointment.

Noah: Ah that's so sweet. When are you doing that?

Josh: Tomorrow night.
Noah: Oh on date night.

Josh: I could still just tell her that we could move her roommate in on another night if you and the others aren't comfortable with it.

Noah: No I completely understand and Preston didn't make reservations at some fancy expensive restaurant this time so I think we can reschedule date night to next weekend.

Josh: You mean it?

Noah: Yes it's a very sweet thing that you're doing it's almost as if you are a prince.

Josh: Oh really. Maybe this prince can give his beloved suitors a special surprise next weekend for being so patient for the date.

Noah: Oh that sounds wonderful my lord.

Noah and Josh kissed for a bit before texting Preston and Gareth to come over to talk it over with them. Once they arrived Josh explains the story to Preston and Gareth.

Gareth: If Noah's okay with it I guess I have no issues at all.

Preston: I'm a tad suspicious on this girl's intention but I know if I said that I wasn't comfortable with it when Gareth and Noah said it's okay I would seem kind of like an asshole. Fine but please call me as soon as you get home so I know that you're okay.

Josh: Yes of course babe I'll keep of you informed.

Preston: That makes me feel a bit better.

Josh: I'm glad because I would have told her no if you guys weren't okay with that.

The 4 boys all hug each other as the first chapter ends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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