Chenle and Jisung *making bets on whether he'll live*

Taeyong: "I'm gonna need new members, aren't I."


Ten: "I want you to kill my ex, but I want it to seem like an accident."

Johnny: "Say no more."


Detective: "Looks like the killer beat him to death with a crowbar then placed a banana peel by his feet."


Kun: "You need to stop doing weird things. Going out might help."

Hendery: "I went to the park today.

Kun: "I hope you got something out of that."

Hendery: "I did!" *opens jacket* "A duck."


Jaehyun: "When I said, "Bring me back something from the beach," I meant like a seashell."

Johnny: *struggling to hold onto a seagull* "Well, you didn't fucking say that."


Renjun: "The vlive was lagging so much.

Mark: "I guess it was..."

Mark and Lucas, simultaneously: "SWAGGY LAGGY."



Renjun: "I've got no will to live whatsoever."


Chenle: "Good morning."

Kun: "Good morning."

Ten: "Good morning."

Xiaojun: "You all sound like robots. Why don't you spice it up a little bit?"



[Lucas, getting his car fixed]

Kun: "You used subpar fuel which corroded your injectors and intake manifold."

Lucas: "Uh... English bro."

Kun: "Low quality gas damaged your engine."

Lucas: "Dumb it down for me kemosabe."

Kun: "Bad go-go juice make your vroom vroom machine all fucky."

Lucas: "Oh no."


Kun: "C'mon guys, we're all friends! Let's hug it out, c'mon! Get in here!"

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